Tag Archives: Timetable

City Stages band alert!

If you head on over to Timetable, you’ll find out which stage Old Crow Medicine Show is playing on and what time they’re scheduled to go on as part of City Stages 20

Go on

We want answers (and to plug Sam’s column)

First of all, if you haven’t checked them out, Sam’s musical picks for the weekend are up over on Timetable.

Second, I was wondering, considering that our current Magic City Question is by far one of the most visited ones in the site’s short history, why don’t we have more responses? So I’m blatantly putting another link to it here to see if I can drum up some more responses before I share one tomorrow morning. Click on the link below to answer the question.

How can you be responsible for Birmingham’s reputation?

One more thing, we’re finally going to make an announcement tomorrow about changes for the coming year on the site. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing… (at least, we think so)

Skylines and lineups

That’s what you’ll find over on Timetable during this first part of the week.

Charles shares his thoughts about the skyline that he’s In Love With.

And we figured with so many folks talking about ShamRock this weekend that the least we could do is provide the lineup with links to their MySpace pages or websites so you know what to expect.

We figured you were all really busy reading Kyle’s NY Times story anyway (you were, weren’t you). We’ll play catch up later this evening.

1040 Fest, 24th Street and 3rd Avenue North

The IRS tax deadline is approaching, and that means it’s time for 1040 Fest.

The event is an annual music festival sponsored by Birmingham’s Central City Neighborhood Association & held across the street from the city’s downtown post office each year on tax day.

The residents and their event partners take advantage of the branch’s extended hours (due to the many late filers) and the media coverage that follows because of it to show off just how great the downtown area is to be in.

Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, food and drink… and their tax returns if they haven’t filed them yet Smile

Cost: Free

Intersection of 24th Street and 3rd Avenue North

Time to make plans…

In all fairness, we here at the Terminal thought you might need more time to plan for the weekend. Some of the events we highlight have limited seating or the potential to sell out quickly. While we can’t keep stuff from selling out, we’re at least going to give you more of a fighting chance by giving you a heads up a few days earlier.

So if you care to see what Christina basically has planned for her weekend and the events she thinks you’ll be interested in too, click here to keep reading.

You might also be interested in finding out which area chicken salads Terri’s “In Love With”…

It may rain, but it’s still the weekend

Timetable header by edward badham

We’re hoping you’ve already discovered this week’s posts by Christina and Sam over on Timetable as they give you some help planning your weekends. If not, get over there. I figured that this may also be just the right time to give folks a heads up about when to stop by to check out your favorite column over on our arts and culture blog.

Continue reading

We haven’t been completely quiet this week…

…it’s just that most of the action’s been over on Timetable as we get ready to (finally) make some minor tweaks to the site. So just in case you’re wondering what’s been going on over there, here’s a taste:

Sam’s got his picks for the weekend.

Christina’s got some other ideas of the non-musical variety.

Trav’s giving us a heads up on a new bookstore opening.

Poke around and take a look.