Category Archives: The Terminal

From the Stationmaster: Shake the dust

I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you who’ve visited The Terminal during the last year. We’ve got a lot of plans for Birmingham’s hub as we enter our second year of existence, but we also have a challenge for you. Listen to the words spoken by my good friend (and 2007 World Cup Poetry Slam champ) Anis Mojgani, and then click here. We hope to see you later this evening.

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We’ve teased about this party long enough

For those that can’t see the following image in the feed, come on over, click it, and learn more about what we’re hoping to have happen on March 14.

400px The Terminal 1st anniversarty party ad

We look forward to seeing you there.

So why were we so quiet today?

Well, it’s not because it was a slow news day – that’s for sure! We were beginning to make some changes to the look and feel of the site. If you’re reading this from the front page, you’ve already got a taste of what I’m talking about and there are more throughout Birmingham’s hub.

We’ll be back to our normal extreme posting selves on Monday (and you might even see a post or two during the weekend).

In the meantime, take a look at yesterday’s my Birmingham post, think of some people you’d nominate and check out some of the other simple changes around the site.

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It may rain, but it’s still the weekend

Timetable header by edward badham

We’re hoping you’ve already discovered this week’s posts by Christina and Sam over on Timetable as they give you some help planning your weekends. If not, get over there. I figured that this may also be just the right time to give folks a heads up about when to stop by to check out your favorite column over on our arts and culture blog.

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The Terminal staff meeting, Java and Jams

So, you want to join this motley crew of writers? Cool, because we’re going to need a lot more folks like you in the coming year to keep this thing going…

We’re looking for anyone that has a true passion and love for Birmingham, Alabama, its metropolitan area and all that it has to offer. Our submissions section (recently edited – check for the changes) offers a little more information about what we’re looking for in each section – and know that we’re not just looking for writers either. Photographers, video folks, people that like to podcast – all are welcome.

We still can’t pay you yet, and we’re not going to be too picky, though if you could forward us a sample of your writing, photographs and/or videos, that would even be better.

So come on out to Java and Jams (321 20th Street North) buy some coffee and let’s start a conversation in this city.

We’re “In Love With” Timetable’s newest column

Thanks to yesterday’s storms, we didn’t get a chance to properly introduce and welcome back Terri Dann to our band of merry bloggers. Not that she’s ever really left – she’s contributed previously to Timetable and is currently settling into her new job at Birmingham-based Mental Floss magazine.

“In Love With” is about whatever Terri decides it will be about, but always about something that relates back to things happening and going on in The Magic City. Check out the first edition of the column and let her know what you think.

BTW – If you want to join our growing team of voices here at The Terminal, check out the details about our weekly staff meetings at Java and Jams.

The Terminal Staff Meeting, Java and Jams

So, you want to join this motley crew of writers? Cool, because we’re going to need a lot more folks like you in the coming year to keep this thing going…

We’re looking for anyone that has a true passion and love for Birmingham, Alabama, its metropolitan area and all that it has to offer. Our submissions section (recently edited – check for the changes) offers a little more information about what we’re looking for in each section – and know that we’re not just looking for writers either. Photographers, video folks, people that like to podcast – all are welcome.

We still can’t pay you yet, and we’re not going to be too picky, though if you could forward us a sample of your writing that would even be better.

So come on out to Java and Jams (321 20th Street North) buy some coffee and let’s start a conversation in this city.