Category Archives: From the Stationmaster

From the Stationmaster: Shake the dust

I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you who’ve visited The Terminal during the last year. We’ve got a lot of plans for Birmingham’s hub as we enter our second year of existence, but we also have a challenge for you. Listen to the words spoken by my good friend (and 2007 World Cup Poetry Slam champ) Anis Mojgani, and then click here. We hope to see you later this evening.

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We’ve teased about this party long enough

For those that can’t see the following image in the feed, come on over, click it, and learn more about what we’re hoping to have happen on March 14.

400px The Terminal 1st anniversarty party ad

We look forward to seeing you there.

If we told you why the express hasn’t left the station…

Needless to say, you either wouldn’t believe us or you’d think we were crazier than we already admit to.

So, in a rare Saturday appearance, our weekly enewsletter will pull in sometime around 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.

It will definitely be interesting to see how many folks actually check us out – or how many wait until Monday (though those of you on our list will be getting an extra special edition of the express on Monday morning as well)…

Stay tuned and enjoy the weekend!

So what would you tell your 15 year-old self?

That’s the Magic City Question that we pose to you this week. Click here to add your answer to the mix…

(If you answer here, we’ll have to move it over there, and that just takes away from us being able to get more news up Wink).

Susannah Felts submitted the question to us – after seeing the responses that the guys over at Gapers Block got after they posted it in their Fuel section. Incidentally, Felts will be having a book signing event tomorrow evening at The Bottletree – one of two for her first novel. Trav interviewed her to find out some more about the book and it’s now up on Timetable – check it out.

FYI – you can now get a taste of what’s going on around the site by checking out the central column of our front page – that is, if you’re normally reading us via RSS or email. We figured you’d like that one-stop shop idea.

So why were we so quiet today?

Well, it’s not because it was a slow news day – that’s for sure! We were beginning to make some changes to the look and feel of the site. If you’re reading this from the front page, you’ve already got a taste of what I’m talking about and there are more throughout Birmingham’s hub.

We’ll be back to our normal extreme posting selves on Monday (and you might even see a post or two during the weekend).

In the meantime, take a look at yesterday’s my Birmingham post, think of some people you’d nominate and check out some of the other simple changes around the site.

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OK folks, here’s the 411 for the weekend

While yours truly flies back into Birmingham tomorrow evening after a cold (but productive) week in Washington, DC, you need to be checking out Christina’s picks for activities and Sam’s picks for music today for this weekend (and show your appreciation to them and the rest of the staff for the work they’ve done this week.) Hopefully we’ll have Terri’s “In Love With” column up later this evening (after my second test that is…). And if you haven’t seen Trav’s interview with our own John Morse about another aspect of his life over on Timetable, get over there now!

For those wondering where this week’s edition of the express is – it will arrive in your inbox sometime tomorrow afternoon.

And (though I doubt it) if you’re asking yourself “Why’s AndrĂ© up in the Nation’s Capital?“, check out the return (finally) of my column over on my Birmingham on Monday morning and this section of the site all next week to find out.

P.S. there is no staff meeting this week. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, February 2.

Introducing r3vrb destinations

That’s right folks… Sam George is hopping on board this train and joining the gang over on Timetable. He currently writes a local music blog, Beginning today (actually about 30 minutes ago), you’ll find his reviews about our local music scene for the upcoming weekend  on our arts and culture section.

Check out his first installment of r3vrb destinations, let him know what you think and welcome him aboard.

OK, stop sitting over here, get reading