Category Archives: politics

Obama in B’ham Sunday

Barack Obama in BirminghamNot only is Sen. Barack Obama running television ads in Alabama starting today, The Birmingham News reports that the presidential hopeful will be in town 2 p.m. Sunday.

The Stand For Change Town Hall meeting at UAB’s Bartow Arena is free and open to the public but you’ll need a ticket to get in. Tickets will be available starting 9 a.m. Friday morning at Obama campaign offices. The Birmingham office is located downtown at 1813 4th Ave. North. Offices are also located in Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Huntsville, Mobile, Selma and Tuskegee.

Or get your ticket online.

Doors on Sunday will open at noon. Campaign requests no bags, signs or banners. “I heart Huckabee” tattoos probably not welcomed either.

UPDATE: Click here to view images from the event.

The First 100: The other guys cover the mayor’s first State of the City address

UPDATE: 1.17.2008; You may also find an audio file (available in WMA format, 22.5 MB) of the mayor’s speech on the city’s website.

Everyone seems to be taking away something different from yesterday’s first State of the City address presented by Birmingham mayor Larry Langford. For those that want to know what he actually said, you’ll want to go to CBS 42’s website (get to their local news section) scroll through their online videos and click on the link to the full 30-minute speech. (Yes, it’s there; we actually have a copy of that coverage, but it’s their video, so check it out if you’ve got time). Then take a look at the following links to see how the mainstream did with their coverage.

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Bell enters commission race

William Bell headshotWhether or not the results are challenged in court (as has been indicated by the governor’s office), there will be a notable race for the Jefferson County Commission seat vacated by Larry Langford in order for him to serve as mayor of Birmingham.

Birmingham City Councilor William Bell announced his intentions to seek the seat currently occupied by George Bowman. He’s the sixth person to declare their intention to run in the February 5 special election.

If Bell were to win, there would be an appointment to the City Council until an election was held to name his successor. Want to know more? Check out Kyle’s post on Mixed Media.

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

OTM Democratics Healthcare Forum, Birmingham Botanical Gardens

You’re not going to find a better panel than this one to talk about this important issue:

  • Congressman Artur Davis, 7th District, Alabama
  • Terry Kellogg, Executive Vice President & CFO, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama
  • Dr. Max Michael, Dean of the UAB School of Public Health
  • Dr. Wally Retan, practicing physician and state coordinator of Healthcare For Everyone, the Alabama Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program

The OTM Democrats are inviting you to join them for a lively exchange on the current problems in our nation’s healthcare system and the various solutions being proposed to address them. They hope to

explore the disparity in access to healthcare in the U.S., HR676 (the bill before Congress to create a single payer healthcare system), the positions of the leading presidential candidates, and whether there is enough momentum and support in Congress, industry, and from citizens themselves to bring about meaningful reform.

Linn-Henley Lecture Hall, Birmingham Botanical Gardens
2612 Lane Park Road (directions)

Travelogue: So which Birmingham do the Tory MEPs really represent?

West Midlands Conservative Party website homepage

Screenshot of Tory MEPs website front page.

We do normally start our day out with John’s A Look Back column, (which will make an appearance around 8 a.m. today) but we figured we couldn’t pass up this opportunity to point out something from “across the pond.”

We can thank Tom Watson for pointing out this error on this regional site for the English conservative party.

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Blogging in the ‘Ham: Doc’s Political Parlor

Doc’s Political Parlor screenshot

Screenshot from Doc’s Political Parlor.

It wouldn’t be a series about blogging without focusing on what some would consider a statewide pastime and hobby here in Alabama – politics. One of the largest segments of blogs maintained in Birmingham are political in nature and none seem to garner more attention than Doc’s Political Parlor (& Home of Lawn Mower Repair). Every day the folks over there are a great one-stop source of information either revolving around the state house in Montgomery, local town and city halls and even occasionally a couple of mentions from the national media.

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Election ’07: Cooper drops Birmingham mayoral challenge

We figured you’d already heard, but here’s how The Birmingham News and NBC13 covered this morning’s press conference. Cooper had been planning to file an appeal of an earlier decision involving his challenge to the results of the October mayoral election.