Tag Archives: Barack Obama

The Moment – with Lincoln looking on

The significance of the Inauguration was not lost on its planners, with large screen televisions spread throughout The Mall, including parts that were not necessarily on the minds of most of the folks in town for the events. While an estimated 2 million in the main crowd shot, I thought maybe it would be nice to see it happen the way those of us who chose to watch with Abraham Lincoln’s memorial in the background did earlier this morning.

Congratulations President-elect Obama

President-elect Barack Obama. Bob Farley/f8Photo

There are two main reasons why we’ve stayed quiet since Tuesday. One was somewhat implied in my sole entry on Election Day – I (and thus The Terminal) have been moving to a new section of town and it’s a little difficult to write when you’re moving boxes. The other reason was because simply put – Tuesday was one of those days that did not need commentary or opinion. It was a day where we witnessed a peaceful transfer of power and the promise of change in Washington.

Well, there is one more reason, but you’ll have to head over to my Birmingham to learn about it.

Barack Obama smiles on Birmingham

Barack Obama smiles on Birmingham

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo 

Fresh off of his impressive win in South Carolina last night, Illinois senator and 2008 presidential hopeful Barack Obama spoke before a packed Bartow Arena earlier today. More than 8,500 people attended the event ont UAB’s campus. Obama spent nearly an hour speaking to the crowd and about 20 minutes shaking hands after his remarks.

Click on the image above to view the slideshow.

Obama in B’ham Sunday

Barack Obama in BirminghamNot only is Sen. Barack Obama running television ads in Alabama starting today, The Birmingham News reports that the presidential hopeful will be in town 2 p.m. Sunday.

The Stand For Change Town Hall meeting at UAB’s Bartow Arena is free and open to the public but you’ll need a ticket to get in. Tickets will be available starting 9 a.m. Friday morning at Obama campaign offices. The Birmingham office is located downtown at 1813 4th Ave. North. Offices are also located in Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Huntsville, Mobile, Selma and Tuskegee.

Or get your ticket online.

Doors on Sunday will open at noon. Campaign requests no bags, signs or banners. “I heart Huckabee” tattoos probably not welcomed either.

UPDATE: Click here to view images from the event.