Tag Archives: Washington

It’s tough to find a chef sometimes

In late March, we came close to having a former employee of Frank Stitt’s Bottega running a new Southern cuisine restaurant in Washington D.C.’s Shaw Neighborhood. Well, we were close.

eatonville-logoEatonville is now open but Chris Newsome is not serving as its executive chef. Only 10 days into his new job, his boss decided that he wasn’t necessarily the right fit. Check out this story recently published in Washington City Paper to learn what happened. You can also check out the website for the restaurant, named for author Zora Neale Hurston‘s hometown Eatonville, FL, and the process used to determine who would serve as executive chef via videos.

Ms. Ledbetter is going to Washington

Lilly Ledbetter. Lindsay Beyerstein/flickrThe word’s gotten out that Lily Ledbetter, for whom the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 is named for, is heading up to the Nation’s Capital from Jacksonville, AL to be present when the President signs it into law tomorrow morning. The White House seems to have been looking forward to this event themselves, as evidenced in one of their first blog posts going so far as to provide a link to the measure as it was presented to and passed by boh the House and Senate via THOMAS. Today’s Birmingham News shares the story of where she’s come from and how she got ready for her trip into Washington today.

Photo: Lily Ledbetter. Lindsay Beyerstein/Flickr.

The Moment – with Lincoln looking on

The significance of the Inauguration was not lost on its planners, with large screen televisions spread throughout The Mall, including parts that were not necessarily on the minds of most of the folks in town for the events. While an estimated 2 million in the main crowd shot, I thought maybe it would be nice to see it happen the way those of us who chose to watch with Abraham Lincoln’s memorial in the background did earlier this morning.

Obama Inspired Art in Georgetown

So besides finally realizing that the throngs of people are starting to arrive here in town, I’ve also found some very interesting free activities that have been available to visitors over the weekend. This exhibit closes tonight, but thanks to the fun of the web, and The Terminal’s YouTube channel, portions of it will live on for a little while longer…
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/tnJsV4ugAiw" width="400" height="329" wmode="transparent" /]

Yesterday’s scene in DC

I”m a little slow in posting videos, especially since this is the first one we’ve ever done as a website. Hopefully the scene explains why our coverage is including DC’s events.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/EdJhf5muAtY" width="400" height="329" wmode="transparent" /]
If you want to help cover events back in Birmingham or here in DC, drop us a line at info@bhamterminal.com sharing links to your blogs, photos or videos and we’ll point folks in your direction.

The Hub’s in DC

The Capitol gets ready for Tuesday 

Photo: The Capitol prepares for the Inauguration of Barack Obama. acnatta/Flickr

Well, I’ve actually been in the Nation’s Capitol since Friday evening – and I’m going to be here through early Wednesday morning. The city’s been buzzing since I drove in during the evening rush and the energy is just continuing to rise as millions of visitors funnel into Washington for Tuesday.

I’ll post photos as I can and I’ll see what other stories I can find while I’m here . The Terminal will see what it can do about covering issues closer to home for the next few days as well. If you happen to be in DC, I’ll be at SOVA Coffeehouse on H Street NE for a Flickr meetup Tuesday afternoon if you want to compare notes. If you’re in town, leave a comment and I’ll try to track you down too. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Your DC Inaugurational traffic warning

We’re aware that many of you will be watching the Inauguration from your home or from Boutwell Auditorium on January 20. Yours truly will actually be in the Nation’s Capital for the event (along with an estimated 2 million others) attempting to write for both The Terminal and my personal blog. For those of you joining me in traveling up there, a couple of notes. First of all, the folks at The Washington Post have provided this cool map showing where you can’t go with a car from 4 a.m. until 7 p.m. on January 20.

Check out The Post’s Inauguration Central for help with questions and info and look for me here on the Monday morning and over here by mid-afternoon on Tuesday.