Author Archives: André Natta

Got plans this weekend? 1.25 – 1.27

We’ve already told you about two chances to see presidential hopefuls Huckabee and Obama on Saturday and Sunday respectively. If it turns out you pick the right one to attend, you’ll be telling your grandkids you witnessed history being made. I personally don’t care who you are supporting. All I ask is that you do some research, pick the one you like and vote. No complaining allowed if you don’t vote. Your first chance is in the Alabama primary, Feb. 5.

Some suggestions after the jump…

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Looking through the lens of Birmingham books

Birmingham book Collection
Special to The Terminal.

It is no secret that Birmingham’s history is one filled with infamous people and colorful events. It’s also one that has been well documented in the pages of books. But books don’t always survive the decades and the ones that do often find themselves buried in the back of used bookstores or hidden away in a grandmother’s attic, until some kind soul stumbles upon these lost books, reads them. Plucking gems of local history from their pages. This a process that Birmingham-area native John Morse knows something about.

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Got plans this weekend? 1.18 – 1.20

Oh my goodness! Did you hear the S-word on last night’s evening news? It’s causing quite a stir … and long lines at the grocery store. I’ve already got my milk, bread and beer so I’m ready for what I’m calling the “2008 Birmingham Snow Event.” The blogging folks at ABC 33/40 have a snow projection map. Let’s just say, I’ll believe it when I see snow angels. Since all the weather guys do act like the “2008 Birmingham Snow Event” is a sure thing Friday night late into Saturday afternoon give or take, you might want to check your pantries too and gather up the necessary supplies. My cold weather tip is to open your kitchen and bath cabinets (especially those on outside walls) to help the pipes stay warm. And if you let the faucets drip, put a cup or pitcher under to catch the water for any plants you have inside/outside. Despite any wet stuff falling from the sky, we’re still in a drought.

While I think the “2008 BSE” calls for hibernation under down comforters, some of you many want to leave the house the rest of the weekend and dance, dance, dance.

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A Genesis Found holding casting call in Birmingham

A drawing of Moundville’s famous “Rattlesnake Disc”Wonder Mill Films has announced that they’re going to hold auditions for their new feature film, A Genesis Found, in Birmingham on February 9 at 1 p.m. Auditions will take place on UAB’s campus in their theatre department (700 13th Street South), with the Huntsville-based production looking for all ethnicities, men and women, ages 17 – 70.

The blog for the production provides more information about this narrative adventure/mystery which “…focuses on a young archeology student’s confrontation of his family’s legacy, responsibility, and faith.”  Filming will take place in northern and central Alabama. revamps their local entertainment section

Screenshot of new entertainment section

Screenshot of

The folks at decided to revamp their entertainment section. It was officially launched yesterday and combines the resources of The Birmingham News and the community blogs. Click on the image above to take it for a test drive and let us know what you think about it; in general and in relation to the rest of the area’s web presence RE: arts and culture as shared in last week’s newsletter.

In Love With: Dive Bars

After last week’s overly frilly post, I feel the need to redeem what indie cred I have (which isn’t much, perhaps why I’m defensive about it). Thus, let me indulge the flip side of my girly-girl nature, don my combat boots, and hit my favorite dive bars.

There is an art to the dive bar. It must be dingy, but not depressing. It must have “denizens” rather than customers-and there must be a usual roster of suspects on any given night. It must come by its reputation organically, not manufactured to “feel” urban or crusty. It must be the sort of place you have to think twice about taking parents, visitors to the city, and first dates, lest they re-evaluate their opinions of you and your drinking habits. And lastly, it must have a bathroom that tries to achieve some standards of cleanliness, since that is the sign of honest pride in one’s establishment. If they’ve given up trying to tame the bathrooms, folks, they’ve given up the ghost on a lot of things. So the top three on my In Love With list are (in order of frequency of visits): Five Points’ Upside Down Plaza, Irondale’s Bourbon Street, and Avondale’s Brown Derby.

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Slamming in the ‘Ham

Ultimate Fighting Champion Matt Hughes is cruising through Birmingham tomorrow night. He’ll be at the Wildwood Shopping Center Books-A-Million location at 7 p.m. He’ll be ready to pose for pictures and will be signing his new book Made in America, which is loaded with tons of background information about his rise to dominance and dishes backstage happenings about one of the most explosive leagues in all of sportdom.

{trav blogs regularly at {head}:sub/head, about reading, publishing, books and Birmingham.}

The Big Read’s Big Kick-Off

Today, the balloons were bought and the were cakes cut in honor of this year’s Big Read. Libraries across Birmingham have activities planned all day to help build awareness and participation in Project Mockingbird, which is the library systems push to get all of Jefferson County reading Harper Lee’s classic To Kill A Mockingbird. Think of it as “one county, one book” kind of a reading plan.

Events and features are planned all the way through this summer. Including a “Read it Forward” program where 1,500 copies of To Kill A Mockingbird will randomly be placed around the county, for people to stumble upon read and pass on.

You can keep up with the project here, and download free gfx, wallpaper and podcasts here. If you are wondering where the nearest launch party is today, check out the JCLC’s calendar page.

{trav blogs regularly at {head}:sub/head, about reading, publishing, books and Birmingham.}

Got plans this weekend? 1.11 – 1.13

It’s a busy time of the year at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Now on the walls in advance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan. 21) is Images of Martin Luther King Jr. from the collection of Paul R. Jones. Another way the BRCI is getting ready is by holding a volunteer orientation session Saturday (January 12) from 2 – 4 p.m. BCRI will be free and open to the public on MLK Day and they need extra hands to help with the crowds. If you’d like to help, give LaQuita M. Singleton a call today at 328-9696, ext. 204 for more information.

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In Love With: Unabashed Femininity

I go a little stir-crazy this time of year, when the holidays have been filed as blurry memories and spring seems like a distant dream. I’m tired of layering bulky sweaters until I look like the StayPuft Marshmallow man, sick of static electricity, and done with the dry skin and splitting hands. The only recourse I’ve discovered is to dose myself well with unabashed femininity and wait it out.The first step is visiting Three Sheets in Homewood. This bastion of domesticity is crammed with lovely bedroom and bathroom things to touch, smell and try out. More often as not, I end up treating myself to a bath oil or fizzy bathbomb, since the beddings are too far out of my price range to do anything but caress. In the early stages of winter-ick, just a short visit, and maybe a Deep Steep lotion, is enough to pry me out of it.

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