Author Archives: André Natta

Bomb Shelter’s last blast

Bomb Shelter image - Bob Farley/f8photo

Bob Farley/f8photo

Last night the Bomb Shelter held its last public event. About 40 people showed up for the send off. Local folk rock group Menewa started the night off with an hour or so long set followed by New York based Spottiswoode.

Members of both bands have been friends for years so Spottiswoode and his Enemies had no problem driving 11 hours from a Monday night gig in Houston (on the way back from SXSW) to be there for the send off.

Click on the image above or here to view images from the performance.

Got plans this weekend? 3.14 – 3.16

It’s another busy weekend in the Magic City thanks to St. Patrick’s Day falling on a Monday. That’s giving lots of folks the idea to start the party way early on Friday.

And by way early on Friday we mean 11:30 a.m. Head out from the office for lunch early and enjoy the 23rd annual ONB St. Patrick’s Day Parade. We won’t tell if you just don’t decide to go back. The parade will travel FROM Five Points South TO Linn Park along the Birmingham Green. (Yeah, I didn’t know we had a “Birmingham Green” either.) It’s going to be a little more sci-fi than normal since OmegaCon kicks off the same day. So it won’t just be the green beer that has you seeing Stormtroopers and Trekkies. (That’s right Trekkies because I’m not arguing with Gene Roddenberry.)

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In Love With: Skyline Sightings

I enjoy looking at a good skyline. I can’t help but feel the excitement and energy emanating from those mountains of steel, glass, and stone, beckoning me to come explore. In my estimation, Chicago and Atlanta have great skylines—and so does Birmingham. It may not have the tallest buildings, but it has distinctive ones, such as the Regions Harbert Plaza (with a peak and spheres inspired by the surrounding older architecture) and a rich collection of classic skyscrapers including the City Federal building (once the South’s tallest building) and the Alabama Power Building (crowed with Electra’s golden statue).

So where are some of the best spots to gaze upon what we’ve built in a former cornfield?

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ShamRocking at Sloss this weekend

ShamRock Music Festival logoSloss Furnaces will host the first annual ShamRock music festival on Saturday, March 15. Check out the destinations calendar entry to hear the pitch…

We figured it would be nice to share the schedule of bands here (and possibly some links to their online presence so you’ll know just how great it’s going to sounds this weekend:

Time Band
2:00 – 2:30 p.m.   Moon Taxi
2:45 – 3:15 p.m.   Jasper Coal
3:30 – 4 p.m.   Caddle
4:15 – 4:45 p.m.   Stoned Cobra
5 – 5:45 p.m.   Leaderdog
6 – 6:30 p.m.   Selling Mary
6:45 – 7:15 p.m.   Red Halo
7:30 – 8:15 p.m.   Beyond Me
8:30 – 9:15 p.m.   The Bridges
9:30 – 10:30 p.m.   Rantings of Eva

Got plans this weekend? 3.7 – 3.9

Wow, after last weekend’s marathon of events it looks like slim pickings for this weekend. But never fear, I have found what I think are some pretty cool things to do.

Little boys and big boys (and yes, little girls and big girls too) can take to the air at the Southern Museum of Flight now through Saturday. On hand is a F-15 Eagle flight simulator complete with throttle, stick and rutter peddles. Ooohhhh. Realistic sound and detailed graphics put you right in the cockpit.


Admission is $5/$4 for children. The museum is located at 4343 73rd St. North out near the airport. Call 833-8226 to check times the ride … I mean simulator … is flying. And don’t use the word hostage in any kind of a sentence while there. Example, the boss really held us “hostage” in the board room yesterday. Wouldn’t want Big Brother to throw you into a dark, bottomless holding facility far, far away.

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In Love With: Waxing Nostalgic

NOTE: Click here to answer our related Magic City Question. Thanks.

Is it possible to have nostalgia for things that are only a few years past? I’ve only lived in Birmingham for a bit past four years now, but I’ve already seen some changes to this city. Almost all of them have been steps forward, taken by brave entrepreneurs, cool people, and those determined to make Birmingham an even more terrific place to live. A few of them however, are changes that sadden me. Even after a short time here, I can name a few places I miss every time I pass by, namely the old location of V. Richards in Forest Park, Vestavia’s Moonlight Music Café and the Highland Coffee Company.

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Got plans this weekend? 2.29 – 3.2

Goodness there’s a lot going on this weekend! It’s like everyone planning events looked at their calendars at the end of last year and all decided that March 1 would be the perfect day for their fundraiser/yak auction/open house. What, did they think Spring would be here and we’re all inching to ditch the cabin fever? Well, that’s kind of true but I wish it was a little warmer.

We’re all busy so I’m going to make this short and sweet …

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Susannah Felts’ new book drops tomorrow

This will go down on your Permanent Record bookcoverTomorrow night at 7 p.m., you can find Susannah Felts at The Bottletree reading and signing her new book This Will Go Down on Your Permanent Record. The book is all about developing an identity as an artist among the culture of the New South. In anticipation of the book’s release I traded a few emails with Felts, to see what all the buzz was about…

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In Love With: Mid-century Modern

The Parliament House may be gone, but its swinging ‘60s spirit lives on just over Red Mountain. That’s where you’ll find Office Park, probably the greatest concentration of mid-century modern architecture in the Birmingham area.

You know mid-century modern architecture, with its sleek lines, cool facades, and prominent use of glass and metal. It can be beautiful (such as in the Parliament House’s circular lobby with the floating staircase) or hideous, and while that modern look was a dominant architectural style nationwide in the 1950s and 60s, Birmingham doesn’t seem to be teeming with examples from that era—except at Office Park.

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Got plans this weekend? 2.22 – 2.24

Hi, my name is Christina and I have a problem with books.

(Hi, Christina)

My particular problem is that I buy too many books, mainly for my son. Until I find a 12-step program, I’ll just have to keep hitting the thrift stores, used book stores and my favorite … library book sales. Give me some credit. I’ve at least figured out the cheapest ways to feed my addiction. This weekend you can find me pawing through the selection at the Emmet O’Neal Library in Mountain Brook. Last year I scored three first-edition Martha Stewart cookbooks and the campy “Let’s Make Rabbits” by Leo Lionni. The book sale is Friday and Saturday from 10-5 and Sunday from 1-4. Happy hunting.

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