Tag Archives: photo

The latest Brum photo debacle

Seems like the Tory MEPs and the City Council in Birmingham, England don’t talk to each other that often. The Birmingham Post’s Joanna Geary shared an abbreviated version of the council’s debacle on the newspaper’s news blog earlier today. An image of our skyline was included on a recycling brochure that went out to more than 360,000 households in the English metropolis. Yes, we’re expecting jokes to appear in the comments.

Back in January members of the conservative party in England’s Second City decided to include a photo of the Birmingham skyline on their website… if you don’t remember what happened, check out our post from back then (which includes a screen capture of the image in question). It remained up for several days, or at least a week, based on what we learned for our follow-up post. One of the results was an interesting comparison of the two cities by The Sun.

One last look at the ramps

Skate ramps at 7 a.m., Homewood Park. acnatta/Flickr


We headed over to Homewood’s Central Park early this morning (approximately 7 a.m.) to get this photo – probably one of the last of the skate park ramps before they were disassembled today (al.com video) following last night’s vote by the city’s Parks and Recreation Board to take them down because of increased issues.

What do you think?

Fireworks fall on Birmingham

Fireworks from Ruffner Mountain - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo

The brief rain shower did not keep about a dozen people from watching the fireworks from the quarry overlook at Ruffner Mountain Nature Center Friday night. Not only did the fireworks from Vulcan prove to be entertaining but the Gate City and South East Lake neighborhoods put on a fine show as well.

If you’ve got any photos, send them on in

So, where is this?

Rosette Bobbin - acnatta/Flickr


According to Charles, this is in plain sight… but you may want to head on over to Timetable to make sure you know where to look for this and other pieces of public art.

Finding way to stay cool over on Timetable

The fountain in Linn Park. acnatta/Flickr

Photo: The fountain at Linn Park. acnatta/Flickr.

While some would like to use the fountain in Linn Park to stay cool, but we’re pretty sure that the folks in City Hall would appreciate it if you didn’t. Charles figured that he’d offer a few suggestions for places that wouldn’t mind seeing you visit to keep cool (and hopes you’ll add to his list) over on Timetable.

He looks so much taller…

Looking up at Vulcan. acnatta/FlickrWell, apparently Vulcan is tall and old (he just celebrated his 104th); he’s just not the tallest statue in the South. That honor goes to The Golden Driller in Tulsa, OK. The Big Guy atop Red Mountain does get to claim being the fifth tallest according to the list posted to Southern Living’s Tales from the Road blog yesterday.

You know, it does look like it would be a pretty cool road trip though… (see the map at the bottom of the post). Plus, you can’t beat having the tallest statue in the South also doing double duty as the namesake for a minor league baseball team

Ads to ride off into the sunset

MAX bus in downtown Birmingham, AL with syphilis epidemic ad

André Natta/bhamterminal.com

This could be the last time you see this image — if you missed Saturday’s Birmingham News, you missed this story on the removal of these ads by the BJCTA, at the mayor’s request, because it was presenting a bad image.

So what do I think? Find out over on my Birmingham… then let us know what you think.