Tag Archives: AL

Everybody won this weekend

There was some beautiful weather with weekend, perfect for those that participated in the 8th running of the Mercedes Marathon & Half Marathon as well as the BE5K race on Saturday. Congratulations to the thousands that participated as well as to all of the winners.

While the official results are not yet posted on the site, you can check out results from previous years and have it bookmarked for when they’re certified. Check out Fox 6’s website for video of children crossing the finish line for the Kid’s Marathon. 

Gordon Bell ventured out yesterday morning and took some great images, now available for you to take a look at over in The Gallery.

By the way, if you want to share your photos from race day with the folks here on the site and you’re on Flickr, add them to The Terminal’s Flickr group and we’ll get them up here as soon as possible.

Photo: Gordon Bell/Flickr.

wOOt! Foodimentary wins a “Shorty”

food24Kudos to Foodimentary, a blog and Twitter feed based right here in metro Birmingham, AL (Homewood to be exact) as they are the winner of this year’s Shorty Award for food! The Shortys recognize leaders in producing short content using the popular microblogging site. Here’s a video primer for those not familar with Twitter.

Wondering just how popular and powerful Twitter can be? Foodimentary’s profile currently provides fun facts about food to more than 29,600 followers!

We don’t know if they’ll be able to attend tomorrow’s awards ceremony, but we hope they are able to, considering that CNN’s Rick Sanchez will be hosting with tweeters Shaquille O’Neal and MC Hammer being involved in the fun.


Image: Foodimentary logo, courtesy of the website.

It’s still Hip to be Civic


Screenshot of Catalyst’s new website.

I couldn’t pass up a chance to plug Catalyst’s new website before we continue on this morning’s food kick. This evening they’ll officically launch their redesigned website with an event at Rojo featuring a performance by Matthew Mayfield and a remote by Live 100.5 FM. If you’ve got a moment, stop on by, especially since the first 75 that show up get free drink vouchers. If you get a chance, send us some photos from the event so we can share them with our readers… just saying…

Time for a Bojangles biscuit run…

… much closer to home. Charlotte, NC-based Bojangle’s has announced plans to expand into the Birmingham, AL market, with hopes of opening four (4) locations in the metro area before the end of the year. We here see this as a great excuse to eat breakfast whenever we want, and that’s important, even to their corporate office, especially when you take a look at their recipe for success.

Want to read Larry’s State of the City address?

Well, it’s not available on the City of Birmingham‘s website as last year’s is. You will find it over on BhamWiki. The guys over there painstakingly listened to Mayor Langford’s remarks and transcribed his words for everyone to see.

So don’t just hang out here, head on over there and check it out (though it is a fairly long read)! You could also check out the video of the mayor’s comments during the Birmingham City Council meeting on January 27.

Last car, 30.2009


Wade Kwon of Wade on Birmingham needs your help before 3 p.m. tomorrow to pick which haiku he’ll be reading at BMA Speaks (one more link in case the museum’s site is still down).

Samford tuned up for its marquee matchup on Saturday with a win over Georgia Southern tonight.

Lt. Governor Jim Folsom, Jr. launched an Alabama Health Initiative earlier today statewide called the Lt. Governor’s Challenge, not to be confused with the Scale Back Alabama! campaign that’s already in full swing.

In other health related news, while Children’s Hospital began its new green project with a wrecking ball earlier today, the St. Vincent’s system‘s new president & CEO, John D. O’Neil, announced that he’d be leaving his current job in upsate New York yesterday.

Finally, for those who saw our tweet earlier today about NBC 13, Alec Harvey gets confirmation.

Photo: Untitled (Lyric Theater). MGShelton/Flickr.

Langford supports reduced mail delivery schedule

712_04158_10_29_04Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford’s office sent out a release earlier today supporting the United States Postal Service’s request to potentially reduce mail delivery service to five days a week.

The mayor’s comments in the release favors the idea of eliminating Saturday mail, which is what most of us assume the USPS would be suggesting. However, they aren’t sure what day it’ll be if the request is granted by Congress.

It could be Tuesday for all we know


Photo: courtesy of the United States Postal Service.