Category Archives: music

In Love With: Symphony in the Key of AL

Sometimes, what a person needs to feel right with the world is a little class, even if you have to fake it. I get my class courtesy of my friend Amanda, who works in the offices of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra (ASO). She knows I’m a classical music lover who never actually gets around to seeing the symphony unless someone hands me tickets. She has volunteered me for service (with the promise of sneaking in the back of the theater later) a few times now, and it’s thanks to her that I’ve been to as many ASO events as I have this year. So this week’s list is my three favorite things about the ASO: people watching, Maestro Justin Brown, and the recent New Year’s concert at the Alabama Theatre.

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r3vrb destinations 1.24 – 1.26

Welcome to Thursday! Fear not, for the weekend is just around the bend and there’s plenty of great shows to take your mind off the daily grind. I’m rhyming today, apparently. Onwards and upwards:

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r3vrb Profile: Sons of Roswell

Some days I wish I’d been born a few decades earlier. There was a time when you could turn on the radio and hear excellent music from all walks, instead of the focus-grouped crapola that gets shoveled through the airwaves these days. Now, unless you want to consume what’s being spoonfed to you, it is necessary to go out into the world and search out the good stuff yourself. Thank the lizard for the internet. Allow me to point you in the direction of Sons of Roswell, fellow searchers.

Sons of Roswell @ BottletreeThese four fellas from Muscle Shoals play the best authentic rock music I’ve heard in a long time. They’ve got power and attitude to spare. Formed in 2005 in the sweat-soaked interior of an auto-body shop, Sons of Roswell have quickly become one of the rising stars of today’s rock n’ roll scene. With a comfortably classic sound that’s also got a fresh taste to it, they’ve been storming down doors in the South East, and people are beginning to take notice. They were Coke’s “Artist of the Month” last year, though they didn’t receive any free cokes. What’s up with that Coca-Cola? The least you can do is keep your bands caffeinated! They’re currently engaged in a regional tour, and will be stopping in Birmingham a few times. I got their self-titled LP at a Bottletree show a few weeks ago, and I don’t foresee removing it from constant rotation any time soon.

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r3vrb destinations 1.17 – 1.19

Hello again, my new-found friends. I hope those of you who followed my lead last week had a good time. I sure did! Ready for another one? This week boasts a couple of big-name acts, and a little bit of everything for the discerning concert-goer. Whatever your tastes: Hip-Hop, Rock, Country, Singer-Songwriter, it’s all there for your absorption. So gather your wits about you and brace yourself, ’cause here we go:

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r3vrb destinations 1.10 – 1.12

Hello all. Glad you could make it. Henceforth, I will be providing an overview of the weekend’s upcoming shows so that you can more easily decide what to spend your hard earned cash on. In preparing this post for you, I’ve listened to all of the bands playing at over twenty venues in the Southside /Downtown region over the next few days. Let me know what you think. If you hate what I chose, yell at me! If you had a great time at a show I picked for you, let me know about it. The greatest return I could ever receive is a response from y’all. And now, without further ado:

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Moses Mayfield’s calling it quits

Moses Mayfield

Moses Mayfield. is reporting that the 5-piece band from Birmingham known as Moses Mayfield has broken up.

The message from front man Matthew Mayfield posted on their MySpace profile‘s blog on January 2 points to several reasons for the decision.

While fans of the band are no doubt upset, the good news is that Matthew still plans to post demos on his MySpace profile page for the foreseeable future. So as always, the music never dies…

J Records releases Studdard

Ruben Studdard head is reporting that American Idol Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard was released by J Records. According to the report, it’s all about the numbers – record sales numbers.

The Velvet Teddy Bear does seem to be cultivating a career in acting though, and he’ll be front and center with his former band, Just a Few Cats, on the WorkPlay soundstage this Saturday. If you don’t have tickets now though, you’re not getting in; tickets for the show are sold out.

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

Wild Sweet Orange’s latest

Here’s the latest from Wild Sweet Orange, the song’s called Wrestle with God off of their new EP

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Visit if:mv and find audio and Flash versions of the song.

Got plans this weekend? 11.16 – 11.18

I suggest you start the weekend off at The Nick (Rocks). Should be a good show tonight. I caught Dead Confederate at last year’s City Stages and though I hadn’t heard of them before, I liked what a heard. Reg of Reg’s Coffeehouse likes them so much, he stepped out of the booth to support the guys. Show is on paper to start at 10 p.m. but we know how that goes. Just plan on staying up really, really late. The Nick didn’t share a cost on their Web site so I can’t tell you either.

If you read this every Friday, you’re the best. Besides that, you’re starting to figure out that I really like telling you about The Bottletree. Them nice folks have been in business a year and have a great party planned Saturday to celebrate. The best part for me and the folks at my house, is that the first half of the party is a kid-friendly fall carnival with games. Second half will have some great music by The Hold Steady and Art Brut starting around 8.

Just like in years past here in the South, it has just now gotten cold. Right when I suggest you spend all night outdoors staring at the sky. Not because I’ve lost my mind, but because now is the best time to catch the Leonid meteor shower. So before you head home from your Saturday night activities, I suggest you head to Krispy Kreme, pick up some nice hot donuts and coffee, and find a nice SAFE dark spot to watch this free entertainment from the heavens.

P.S. Makes a great date, trust me. Here’s more info from the folks at Earth & Sky.

The Magic City is a big place so there’s lots happening around here. What are your plans? Tell us.

Got plans this weekend? 11.09 – 11.12

If you haven’t been to Bottletree yet, what are you waiting for?! While I loved Moonlight Music Cafe and I think The Nick does indeed rock, this is my new favorite place to hang out and hear music. Because it’s providing a venue for acts that aren’t on the radio. And if you do happen to hear them on the radio, you only heard it because you’re listening to Reg on Sunday (Thanks Reg!).

This Saturday the main act is Rogue Wave. This band happens to be building some great momentum right now – Starbucks free song of the day, late night TV appearance, TV drama soundtracks. Catch them now and in a few years you could be saying, “… I remember those guys. I saw them play at this great venue in Birmingham and I only paid $10. Geez, their tickets now are outrageous.”

FYI, waiting to buy tickets is going to cost you 2 more bucks at the door.

The bar, cafe and venue is located at 3719 Third Ave. South.

Veterans Day is Sunday but there’s no mail or money on Monday. I’m of the opinion that regardless how I feel about the current situation in Iraq, anyone that was and is willing to take a bullet for me deserves my respect and thanks. World War II may not have been the same war as Vietnam, and Vietnam may not have been the same war as Iraq, but war is war. I’m not saying you need to change how you vote or give up all of your day off, but one way to show your support for the troops old and new is to cheer from the sidelines of the annual Veterans Day parade downtown Monday. It just happens to be the nation’s oldest and largest.

The parade starts at 1:30 p.m. Here’s the route. And I was surprised to learn that this is not the only event organized by the non-profit National Veterans Day organization. They have a whole bunch of events planned for Sunday and Monday.

So what are you doing this weekend? Please share. I may want to join you.

P.S. Ha Ha. I was just looking around on the Bottletree Web site and I see that Reg’s Coffeehouse is actually presenting the Rogue Wave show. Keep up the good work Reg!