Tag Archives: Magic City Question

We want answers (and to plug Sam’s column)

First of all, if you haven’t checked them out, Sam’s musical picks for the weekend are up over on Timetable.

Second, I was wondering, considering that our current Magic City Question is by far one of the most visited ones in the site’s short history, why don’t we have more responses? So I’m blatantly putting another link to it here to see if I can drum up some more responses before I share one tomorrow morning. Click on the link below to answer the question.

How can you be responsible for Birmingham’s reputation?

One more thing, we’re finally going to make an announcement tomorrow about changes for the coming year on the site. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing… (at least, we think so)

Who’s responsible for Birmingham’s reputation?

We constantly talk about the University of Alabama at Birmingham as being the economic engine of not just the city or the region, but the state.

Today one the columnists for their student newspaper, the Kaleidoscope, decided to pose a rather powerful question (and challenge) to her fellow students and I believe to the community at large.

I think that the challenge should also be brought to the masses.

Which leads us to today’s Magic City Question (we are aware that our front page feature has “stalled” working on that right now).

Let us know what you think by clicking here to answer and please pass the question’s link on to everyone you know…

It’s getting interesting over there…

Rewriting code is not all it’s cracked up to be – resulting in one of those classic “slowdown” periods for us. Luckily, the folks over on our Timetable section keep it going. Thanks to all who’ve taken a moment to offer their comments about Terri’s column – we’re asking that you click here to share your thoughts on “lost Birmingham” over on Magic City Question. Sam’s picks for the week are ready over on Timetable right now in case you haven’t already seen them.

Christina’s picks for the weekend are up and ready to go as well – be sure to read up on this weekend’s Art Bash!

What do you miss in Birmingham?

That’s a question asked by our own Terri Dann in this week’s “In Love With” column over on Timetable. It’s also the basis of our current Magic City Question. There’s a second part to this – check out the question over on MCQ and let us know your thoughts.

So, we can score a KEXP remote

I was listening to KEXP this morning online in Seattle – they’ve been a big supporter of many of our local acts in recent years. Well, they’re actually on the last day of their pledge drive over there. If I did my math correctly, it’ll be history at around 4 p.m. today Central time.

While I highly doubt that we’ll catch San Fransisco or Chicago, it would be interesting to see just how many of us actually listen (though those of us that listen that can also pledge is another story). Check their City to City Challenge page for more information. The winning city gets a live remote…

and while you’re at it, how about submitting an answer for our new Magic City QuestionWhat’s your favorite radio station?

So what would you tell your 15 year-old self?

That’s the Magic City Question that we pose to you this week. Click here to add your answer to the mix…

(If you answer here, we’ll have to move it over there, and that just takes away from us being able to get more news up Wink).

Susannah Felts submitted the question to us – after seeing the responses that the guys over at Gapers Block got after they posted it in their Fuel section. Incidentally, Felts will be having a book signing event tomorrow evening at The Bottletree – one of two for her first novel. Trav interviewed her to find out some more about the book and it’s now up on Timetable – check it out.

FYI – you can now get a taste of what’s going on around the site by checking out the central column of our front page – that is, if you’re normally reading us via RSS or email. We figured you’d like that one-stop shop idea.

Magic City Question: So Idol starts tonight… you gonna watch?

That would seem to be the $1 million question. The two-hour premiere will no doubt get some viewers, but we want to know if the home of Idols will watch this season? One person’s opinion is that American Idol has finally jumped the shark

Click here and let us know what you think.