Tag Archives: information

Good news for Birmingham area real estate

Amid the doom and gloom being reported about the national real estate market, there are two reports that should make Birmingham area developers and home owners quite happy. On the heels of Money Magazine naming Birmingham, AL one of the 10 fastest growing real estate markets in the country, The Birmingham Business Journal posted a story to their website today that the metro area is one of the top 25 places to relocate your family.

Kind of makes you wonder about Forbes’ designation of the city as one of the most sinful in the U.S. back in February… maybe some folks wanted to keep the good news a secret for themselves.

Why was Whitney Duncan in town yesterday?

Whitney Duncan - Bob Farley/f8Photo Find out why the former Nashville Star contestant was in town over on Timetable – or just click on the image to your left and check out the images from the video shoot last night.

Bob Farley/f8Photo

Can you Shut Down for a Day? Find out tomorrow

Speaking of computers, can you go an entire day without turning yours on? Well, we here at The Terminal are going to try to accomplish just that (with try being the operative word) …

Screenshot of Shutdown Day.org

Screenshot of ShutdownDay.org

Tomorrow is Shutdown Day, where several thousand people are participating in a great experiment – whether or not they can go for the entire day without using their computer. We’ve become a little dependent on them in recent years (we know we wouldn’t exist if you didn’t depend on them for some things). We normally don’t post on Saturdays anyway but this time we just won’t be checking the site either. We’ll do our best to lock it down before midnight tonight – though we may program one post for tomorrow for those of you that just can’t resist…

But we were wondering, can you shut down and be completely connected for a day (and what would you do?) We’ve read about one guy that can’t, but maybe he’s got a good reason. Besides, we do have a fire breathing dragon to go check out…

Terminal Ts are available on the site

Some of you may have stumbled across our clothing options on Zazzle.com (and we don’t plan on taking that down yet) but we realized that we wanted to offer our shirt for a little less. So if you haven’t been on the site we know you haven’t seen this new ad in the far right column yet:

Terminal T ad

We are currently offering Black Terminal Ts through the site on our new The Store page with prices starting at $14.

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On the agenda: The disparity study finally moves forward

So besides the 684 properties on this morning’s City Council meeting for having “noxious and dangerous weeds” (that’s got to be some kind of record), there is one issue that for some has taken way too long to finally reach the dais: a resolution adopting the results of the long referenced disparity study commissioned by the Council during the Kincaid administration.

There are four items on the agenda relating to the study (items 11 – 14): one that would adopt the findings; two that would authorize the Council’s economic development committee to create and appoint members to a sub-committee to create an implementation plan based on the results of the study; and one to approve The Freeman Group, LLC to facilitate the sub-committee’s planning efforts (for fees not to exceed $20,000).

It will definitely be interesting to see how the results are used to deal with this important issue in the city.

You can always watch the meeting at your desk on the city’s website; the fun starts at 9:30 a.m.

A look back: April 28


54 sticks of dynamite were planted outside Temple Beth-El, but were doused by rain.


The last televised version of the Rick & Bubba Show aired on Turner South.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

Boutwell’s the tipping point tonight

This morning’s Birmingham News points out the frequency that days of prayer are held in the city (as Mayor Langford prepares for one this evening officially announced earlier this week) well as the rumblings about legal action that may be taken if it’s found to be an official government event. The event has definitely drawn some criticism, even locally. We even have our own veiled opinion, though from a slightly different angle.

We’ve gotten a few responses to our current Magic City Question; as we get ready to change it later on today, we’d welcome anyone else that wants to lend their voices to the conversation.