Tag Archives: In Love With

So, where is this?

Rosette Bobbin - acnatta/Flickr


According to Charles, this is in plain sight… but you may want to head on over to Timetable to make sure you know where to look for this and other pieces of public art.

Finding way to stay cool over on Timetable

The fountain in Linn Park. acnatta/Flickr

Photo: The fountain at Linn Park. acnatta/Flickr.

While some would like to use the fountain in Linn Park to stay cool, but we’re pretty sure that the folks in City Hall would appreciate it if you didn’t. Charles figured that he’d offer a few suggestions for places that wouldn’t mind seeing you visit to keep cool (and hopes you’ll add to his list) over on Timetable.

How to spend a rainy day

Our area meteorologists are saying that we’re not going to see a lot of rain until at least Sunday.

According to Charles, you really shouldn’t be using that as an excuse not to go to one of the newer establishments along 2nd Avenue North downtown.

What's on Second? exterior. Andre Natta/bhamterminal.com

It’s the latest installment of In Love With, and it’s ready right now!

Free is good!

Rising costs for basic amenities is making it really hard to figure out what to do for fun. So Charles decided to suggest a few FREE options for us in the  current installment of In Love With over on Timetable.

FYI – tomorrow we’ll see if we can’t take a closer look at this year’s installment of Art on the Rocks at the Museum…

So it’s a little chilly outside…

… eventually we’ll be talking about how hot it is outside. That will then lead to talk of where to go so you can sit outdoors and enjoy the weather.

Charles decided that this would be a pretty good topic for today’s In Love With column.  Don’t forget to share your ideas us about places to sit outside to dine al fresco.

Skylines and lineups

That’s what you’ll find over on Timetable during this first part of the week.

Charles shares his thoughts about the skyline that he’s In Love With.

And we figured with so many folks talking about ShamRock this weekend that the least we could do is provide the lineup with links to their MySpace pages or websites so you know what to expect.

We figured you were all really busy reading Kyle’s NY Times story anyway (you were, weren’t you). We’ll play catch up later this evening.

What do you miss in Birmingham?

That’s a question asked by our own Terri Dann in this week’s “In Love With” column over on Timetable. It’s also the basis of our current Magic City Question. There’s a second part to this – check out the question over on MCQ and let us know your thoughts.