Tag Archives: Alabama

A solemn occasion

Four Girls Memorial - acnatta/Flickr

Photo: Four Girls Memorial. acnatta/Flickr

A marker now stands at the corner of 16th Street and 6th Avenue North as a permanent reminder to the Birmingham community (and the world) about the events that took place at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church 45 years ago today. Services were held yesterday at the church to mark the completion of the historic church’s exterior rehabilitation, including the dedication of the new marker, with images representing the four girls killed in the bombing of the church, and the recently installed replacement neon sign.

Gas prices update

With approximately 25% of the country’s oil refineries located along or near the path of Hurricane Ike, these rising prices may be around for a few days. We’re seeing several reports following the early ones we mentioned earlier today

We’ve just heard via Twitter that gas in Bluff Park is at $4.49/gallon. If you could put gas prices that you see during your evening commute in our comments section, we’d appreciate it (as well as everybody else who visits The Hub).

Where is WordCamp Birmingham?

WordCamp Birmingham logo - sunburstSo, it’s time for an update on WordCamp Birmingham. First of all, they’ve announced a new host venue for the conference’s Saturday events – the Martha Moore Sykes Studio at the Virginia Samford Theatre. They’ve also announced the initial lineup for speakers and the preliminary schedule (there will be more adjustments in the coming days).

Folks are starting to register for the event as well (it’ll close when it hits 125 people or 9/22/2008 – whichever comes first) and they’re still looking for additional sponsors for the event as well. We’ll have more to announce next week.

Contracts is the word of the week

Larry Langford with childrenIf you haven’t been digging deep recently in a couple of our local print publications, you may have just missed something that’s quite interesting surrounding no-contract bids and Birmingham mayor Larry Langford.

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It’s time for the hub to expand

We haven’t done a call for contributors to the site in some time, however with fall beginning to show it’s face and several other events going on (as well as a need for the voices on this site to become more diverse to truly represent the city as we just posted #1,500 to the main page today), this site would benefit from some new blood. It many also wake up the echoes so to speak…

We’re going to be finally making some updates to our submissions guidelines tomorrow morning if you want to look them over but… we’re looking for a few specific spots to be filled over the coming weeks – one or two people to contribute to Timetable (we’re looking for folks who want to cover music and film) and someone to help manage our calendar (meaning you could potentially know everything going on in town – making you a popular person indeed). Besides that, if you love Birmingham and want to spread the word, jump on board.

If enough people contact me tonight via Twitter or email I’ll show up over at Urban Standard tomorrow morning for a short session at about 11 a.m. Otherwise, we’ll be at Speakeasy for our monthly meetup on Thursday evening. Let us know…

UPDATE: Gas prices rising

UPDATE: 5 p.m. – Share gas prices on with The Hub – right here

We’d post links, but we’re all aware of the rising gas prices across the country in general and here in Birmingham in particular. We started hearing the rumors yesterday on both Facebook and Twitter and the long lines reported by folks (including James Spann via Twitter) says that as one person put it “the Chicken Littles are having their day today.”

Which leads us to today’s Magic City Question, appropriately posted after all of you have gotten back from lunch… We’ll look forward to your answers (over there that is).

Another one joins the block

Gypsy Market - downtown Birmingham

Gypsy Store Facade. acnatta/Flickr.

Well, Kent Griggs finished the new Gypsy Store on 2nd Avenue North exactly when he said he was going to in an interview last month. Visitors to last weekend’s Artwalk were among the first ones to get to visit the newest store in what’s fast becoming one of the trendier sections of Birmingham, AL.

The “upscale convenience store” is scheduled to remain open until 11 p.m. most evenings.