Tag Archives: Online

JeffCo unveils their new website


Jefferson County Commissioner Sheila Smoot announced the unveiling of the county’s new website earlier today. According to the release, the new website was built entirely in-house by the Program Management Office of the county’s Information Technology department and is the first major upgrade in nearly twenty years. The site is currently under consideration for the Center of Digital Government “Best of the Web” award.

Screenshot: http://jeffconline.jccal.org/

This week’s #bhamchat

Last night’s #bhamchat was unexpectedly delayed for several reasons.For those looking forward to it, especially in light of all of the news events from yesterday, I apologize for not giving adequate notice.

It’s our intention to hold it this evening instead (Wednesday, July 15) starting at 6:30 p.m. CT. If you’ve got any ideas for topics for this evening, and your suggestion to the comments section below.

For those not familiar with #bhamchat, check out this explanation over on my Birmingham.

WordCamp Birmingham, Social South launch websites

We’ve been silent for the past few days (well, we were saying stuff on Twitter, but for the most part that means that we’ve been silent for the past few days…).

WordCamp Birmingham logoOur reason for silence – the launching of the new WordCamp Birmingham website just in time to open registration (complete with an early bird discount) and announce a call for speakers and sponsors for September 26 & 27. We’re still wondering if Matt Mullenweg will choose to wear his black Terminal T while he’s presenting, but we’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, head on over and check it out.

FYI, Social South also unveiled its site last week. The first edition of this social media conference will take place here in The Magic City on August 21 & 22. They’ve also announced an early bird registration fee.

#bhamchat’s tonight!

Just wanted to remind you that our weekly online conversation about Birmingham, AL takes place tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. on Twitter. Just follow @bhamterminal to see where the conversation’s going. We’ve built a page explaining #bhamchat over on my Birmingham and will continue to make additions to it as needed.

Just so you know, so long at the #bhamchat tag is in your tweet, you do not have to reply to @bhamterminal to share your answers or thoughts about the topic. That should give you a little more space for your thoughts. One more thing, it is probably best to use a third party application like Tweetdeck, Seesmic Desktop or Nambu if you’re on the Mac to follow along in the conversation (or just use Twitter’s search function to watch from afar).

Hope to see you later on! BTW: We will post last week’s recap tomorrow with this week’s due to technical issues.

Report overgrown lots via your iPhone – soon

Mayor Langford announced this morning during his mayor’s report information about a digital expansion of the 23 in 23 Campaign, taking a cue from a similar online component that will soon be introduced in Boston, MA.

Both cities plans to launch smartphone  applications, with Boston’s planning to be launched shortly, to assist in the reporting of overgrown lots, graffiti, and other “neighborhood nuisances.” The Boston Globe reported yesterday on Boston’s plans and what residents in that city think about the potential to simply report issues with a snapshot and an upload. The tool sounds like it will help Mayor Menino in his long-term efforts (BTW – the mayor’s race is in full swing in Boston).

Former Lipstick editor wins awards

We figured with all of the talk about skirt! that we needed to let you know what was up with one the folks who used to be at Lipstick.

Laurel Mills was no doubt ecstatic last month when the winners of the 59th annual Green Eyeshade Awards, were announced. The awards are given out by the Society of Professional Journalists and acknowledge excellence in journalism in 11 Southeastern states. This year there were 17 finalists from Alabama; Mills won two of the awards in the Print – Nondaily Division for pieces written while she was serving as the managing editor of Lipstick Magazine, which folded in February 2009.

Serious commentary award for “Lauren,” published in the magazine’s May 2008 issue.

Humorous commentary award for “This One Time at Camp …,” published in the magazine’s July 2008 issue.

Keeping an eye on foreclosures in Birmingham

Gusty Gulas is doing just that – keeping track of what’s going on in the local foreclosure scene for those interested in the possibilities. There has been a great deal of talk about this in recent months as several folks continue to say that it’s the best time ever to buy a home, even though some are now starting to feel guilty about taking advantage of others misfortune.

His blog is just two months old (and he’s also got a Twitter profile), but he seems to be staying on top of things pretty well.