Category Archives: bhamchat

#bhamchat returns tonight!

A little over a year ago, we took a chance on hosting an online chat using Twitter that focused on Birmingham, AL. We had a pretty good turnout for the first one, with people sharing their opinions about current events taking place in The Magic City and information about upcoming events. It also turned out to be the first ever Twitter chat focused on a single city/metropolitan area…

Several things have changed since the last time we hosted one, including the number of people that are now on Twitter in Birmingham and those interested in this kind of a conversation. So it’s back, tonight, starting at 7 p.m. Anyone who has a Twitter account is invited to take part. We’ll be opening it up to those without an account in the coming weeks via this site.

Even if you don’t have an account, please feel free to follow along using our What the Hashtag? pagevia Twitter search or using a service like Tweetchat.

In case you’re one of our followers on Twitter and you don’t want to be potentially bombarded between 7 – 8:30 p.m. this evening, please check out muuter as an option.

This week’s #bhamchat

Last night’s #bhamchat was unexpectedly delayed for several reasons.For those looking forward to it, especially in light of all of the news events from yesterday, I apologize for not giving adequate notice.

It’s our intention to hold it this evening instead (Wednesday, July 15) starting at 6:30 p.m. CT. If you’ve got any ideas for topics for this evening, and your suggestion to the comments section below.

For those not familiar with #bhamchat, check out this explanation over on my Birmingham.

#bhamchat’s tonight!

Just wanted to remind you that our weekly online conversation about Birmingham, AL takes place tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. on Twitter. Just follow @bhamterminal to see where the conversation’s going. We’ve built a page explaining #bhamchat over on my Birmingham and will continue to make additions to it as needed.

Just so you know, so long at the #bhamchat tag is in your tweet, you do not have to reply to @bhamterminal to share your answers or thoughts about the topic. That should give you a little more space for your thoughts. One more thing, it is probably best to use a third party application like Tweetdeck, Seesmic Desktop or Nambu if you’re on the Mac to follow along in the conversation (or just use Twitter’s search function to watch from afar).

Hope to see you later on! BTW: We will post last week’s recap tomorrow with this week’s due to technical issues.

What is #bhamchat?

Those of you that follow our Twitter feed saw that one of the only tweets we sent out today involved joining us for a conversation about Birmingham starting at 6:30 p.m. tonight. Well, here’s a quick description of #bhamchat:

We wanted to see if folks wanted to talk about issues facing the city and the metro region. The topics will vary depending on what’s been going on around Birmingham. We’ll stay neutral on the issues and try to provide additional information as needed.

If you’re on Twitter, please feel free to follow us at @bhamterminal this evening and join in on the conversation. We’ll be creating a page on the site to help archive the discussions; you may also want to use or and type in #bhamchat.