Tag Archives: Alabama

Know Your Money, Birmingham Urban League

Know Your Money is an economic empowerment program designed to teach 21-40 year old African and Latino American professionals personal money management strategies.

The program consists of a three (3) class curriculum to help participants understand their attitudes about money, establish a household budget and manage financial tools.  The program is sponsored by the National Urban League, in partnership with Honda Financial Services.

Participants are required to attend 2 out of the 3 sessions in order graduate from the program.

Cost: $10 per participant; interested individual(s) may register online at www.nul.org/kym or www.regonline.com/kym08birmingham.

Birmingham Urban League
1229 3rd Avenue North (directions)

1040 Fest, 24th Street and 3rd Avenue North

The IRS tax deadline is approaching, and that means it’s time for 1040 Fest.

The event is an annual music festival sponsored by Birmingham’s Central City Neighborhood Association & held across the street from the city’s downtown post office each year on tax day.

The residents and their event partners take advantage of the branch’s extended hours (due to the many late filers) and the media coverage that follows because of it to show off just how great the downtown area is to be in.

Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, food and drink… and their tax returns if they haven’t filed them yet Smile

Cost: Free

Intersection of 24th Street and 3rd Avenue North

28th Anniversary celebration, Jim Reed Books

We’re not the only ones celebrating an anniversary on March 14.

Jim Reed Books has known a few locations around Birmingham but still serves as its unofficial Museum of Fond Memories. Definitely consisting of much more than books, it has become an institution for many in The Magic City.

Stop on by throughout the day to say hello (and thanks) to Jim, browse the stacks and trigger your own memories while finding out just how entertaining it can be!

Cost: Free

Jim Reed Books
2021 3rd Avenue North (directions)

Snow falls on Birmingham… again

Hyacinth in Snow. James Faivre/photo submission

Hyacinth in Snow. James Faivre/Special to bhamterminal.com.

While we got just enough to make it interesting for those that woke up early this Saturday morning in Birmingham, you really wouldn’t be able to tell that we’d gotten a taste of winter the Friday before Daylight Savings Time begins for the U.S.

James Faivre’s image shows that there was still some beauty to behold today, even if only for a moment. Clicking on the image above will take you to a gallery of photos of taken by Bob Farley this morning out at Ruffner Mountain Nature Center.

Stay warm and don’t forget that you can share your pictures from this morning with us either by email (photos@bhamterminal.com) or by adding them to our Flickr group!

Random Shots: Friday at Harbert Plaza


Bob Farley/f8photo

A lone shopper rides the escalator down from the second floor of Regions-Harbert Plaza in downtown Birmingham early Friday morning.

Snow’s returning to metro Birmingham

Snow in Alabama. Southernpixel/Flickr

Snow in Alabama. Southernpixel/Flickr

The word is that residents in Jefferson and Shelby Counties should be expecting to see about 1 ½ inches of the white stuff when they wake up in the morning. It’s a little ironic, considering it’s almost the 15th anniversary of The Blizzard of ‘93. Maybe we’ll see some more images like this one up above.

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It’s getting interesting over there…

Rewriting code is not all it’s cracked up to be – resulting in one of those classic “slowdown” periods for us. Luckily, the folks over on our Timetable section keep it going. Thanks to all who’ve taken a moment to offer their comments about Terri’s column – we’re asking that you click here to share your thoughts on “lost Birmingham” over on Magic City Question. Sam’s picks for the week are ready over on Timetable right now in case you haven’t already seen them.

Christina’s picks for the weekend are up and ready to go as well – be sure to read up on this weekend’s Art Bash!