Category Archives: Online

Meet Shark and Ray

shark-and-ray-stillMcWane Science Center‘s introducing their two newest online stars today. Shark and Ray are going to be featured in a new series of shorts that will be posted on YouTube (the first of which was posted today) in conjunction with their Wish for Fish campaign which will culminate with a new Shark and Ray aquarium in July. If you want to keep up with their latest adventures, you can follow them on Twitter or Facebook as well.

Still image courtesy of Shark & Ray. has launched logoAttendees to this year’s BarCamp Birmingham had the opportunity to hear from Harris Reynolds about the experience of developing and launching a new website in one week – Harris felt the need to explore and provide a solution to the issue of the online community portal.

You can read what was driving his desire to create one on his blog, Simplifying Software, check out the presentation on Vimeo (and think about checking out all of the other presentations from BarCamp as they become available) and try out for yourself and see what you think.

Facebook users beware

There is a new phishing scam on Facebook that is trying to trick members of the popular social networking site to share their profile login information – and we’re not talking about yesterday’s situation.

Beware of any messages that you receive today asking you to check out a site called Do not visit the site or enter your Facebook login information. We’ll thank Nate over at Varloo Design for the head’s up on the new twist.

Magic City social media strategies

Social Media Club Workshop at McWane

Photo: acnatta/Flickr.

There are currently 22 people enjoying a treat – at least in the world of social media. The Social Media Club Workshop is taking place at McWane Science Center today. Mack Collier, Ike Pigott, Scott Schablow and Social Media Club founder Chris Heuer are taking the attendees through a day of presentations and workshops that will help them develop a social media strategy for their business/organization. Don’t worry if you were not able to attend today’s workshop. Tonight there will be a Tweetup at xyz at Aloft Homewood SoHo Square (it’s starting at 6 p.m.).

Birmingham enjoys some good press

There’s been a lot of buzz recently about Birmingham, AL going on in both mainstream media and on blogs that have a slightly wider reach than some of us may realize.

One example of this increase in attention come from The New York Times, which published one of their 36 hour travel stories about The Magic City. Another comes from the mind of one of our friends in the Windy City (and editor of Gapers Block), Andrew Huff, one that will probably not get as much attention locally. He contributes to Starwood Hotel’s preferred guest program’s blog, The Lobby, and recently took a look at The Hip Side of Birmingham, AL with a quick mention of their newest Aloft property adjacent to Homewood’s SoHo Square.

Anyone else know of some other online media mentions?

Check out Some New Trend… today

Some New Trend stickersBlog fiction has remained, as described in its Wikipedia entry, an “isolated… fringe activity” area of the blogosphere. Well, there are a few writers here in Birmingham, AL that are hoping to change that with their latest collaborative effort, Some New Trend

This full length fiction story blog also doubles as a collection of posts in which contributors review books, music, and movies geared toward young adults. The site started in February, with the first chapter of the story being posted earlier this month. They have a presence on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Elisa over at Bike Skirt did a write-up earlier this month on SNT and some of the folks contributing to it. After you’re finished checking it out, go over there and read the first two chapters (or at least consider supporting them by buying some schwag)!

The Gardens have gone 2.0


Screenshot of the Birmingham Botanical Garden’s blog, The Garden Dirt.

The Birmingham Botanical Gardens have been embracing the world of social media in recent weeks, introducing a Twitter feed, @bbgardens, as well as launching a new blog called The Garden Dirt Blog. In addition, they have a Flickr profile and a fan page on Facebook.

An ever influential virtual influence on people learning about one of the state’s largest natural physical destinations.