Category Archives: Online

Smoot to be interviewed during live blog tonight

Sheila Smoot campaign imageBirmingham, AL-based political blog The Progressive Electorate plans to interview congressional candidate (and current Jefferson County CommissionerSheila Smoot this evening beginning at 8 p.m. on Daily Kos.

They’ve already posted three questions they plan to ask during the chat and they’re asking for folks to consider submitting others to the thread (thinking it means you may be able to submit your questions as comments to the post announcing tonight’s discussion too).

Photo: Courtesy of the candidate’s Fan Page on Facebook.

Birmingham prepares for the Second Front

The Second Front logoKyle Whitmire introduced a new political news blog to Birmingham, AL earlier today. The site, called The Second Front , is the first of several blogs that will make up a new site called Weld for Birmingham.

It’s a new venture for Whitmire (an award-winning columnist formerly of Birmingham Weekly ) and his former editor at the Weekly Glenny Brock, who contributed to the site’s first day of stories with a post about last week’s Design Review Committee decision involving Walgreens.

This section of Weld has already collected a lot of fans via Facebook and Whitmire has been tweeting using The Second Front‘s account for a couple of months now.

Wade Kwon was able to catch up with Whitmire by phone to find out more about the new blog and the overall site and shared the answers over on Media of Birmingham while Ike Pigott wrote earlier today about whether or not it is the online newspaper that Birmingham’s been waiting for.

Wanna be a hipster in Birmingham?

Hipster Crowd. E. Bartholomew/Flickr FreeThinkBham has posted a Hipster’s Guide to Birmingham, AL on their website to help transplants… well, let’s use their words:

“I want people new to the Birmingham area or having to move here (god bless you) to have an easy way of finding out where to hang, drink, meet people, whatever.”

They’re inviting folks to comment and add on to their list as well, so how about heading over there and doing just that. It also wouldn’t be fair to not give a hat tip to A Trip Down South for bringing FreeThinkBham’s post to this site’s attention.

Photo: Hipster Crowd. E. Bartholomew/Flickr

An online manifesto for Alabama’s Magic City

Magic City Manifesto headerOne of the newest blogs to grace computer screens around metro Birmingham is Magic City Manifesto. L.K. Whitney recently started the blog in December after moving here from Charleston, SC. She describes the purpose of the site via a manifesto that says among other things:

“Magic City Manifesto is a personal journey to find the very best this city has to offer.”

Take a moment to check out how her journey’s going. A recent post should remind folks that there’s never a good excuse for saying that there’s nothing to do in Birmingham. You may even want to check out Whitney’s Twitter account too…

Austin shares Parking in Front Yard Ordinance online

Johnathan F. AustinOne of the more active people on Twitter in recent days in Birmingham, AL is City Councilor Johnathan Austin. He’s recently started live-tweeting portions of the weekly City Council meetings and has given those following his account a chance to get to hear a little more about upcoming projects than folks have been able to in the past.

That would include a tweet late yesterday that included a link to the proposed “front yard parking ordinance” that is scheduled to go before the council for a vote in the near future.

Check it out and share your thoughts down below. They are after all still looking for public input…

Travelogue: Coverage after the Langford verdict

Larry Langford at the BJCC. Bob Farley/f8PhotoWord of the guilty verdict against former Birmingham mayor Larry Langford has spread through the media in the last 20+ hours. This would include a story filed last night during NPR‘s All Things Consideredthis report turned in by The New York Times‘ Shaila Dewan (it was on page 19 of Section A); this piece filed by; even The Huffington Post decided to add their voice to the coverage. Bloomberg News chimed in too – along with the folks from WAFF sharing WBRC’s story with visitors to their website.

But wait, there’s more…

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