Tag Archives: weekend plans

Got plans this weekend? 3.21 – 3.23

It’s Spring Break for most area schools and the liturgical calendar puts us in Holy Week leading up to Easter. This combination has lots of folks out of town. Those of us left, fear not. Thanks to Birmingham’s cultural scene, there is more than just egg hunts to occupy our time.

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Got plans this weekend? 3.14 – 3.16

It’s another busy weekend in the Magic City thanks to St. Patrick’s Day falling on a Monday. That’s giving lots of folks the idea to start the party way early on Friday.

And by way early on Friday we mean 11:30 a.m. Head out from the office for lunch early and enjoy the 23rd annual ONB St. Patrick’s Day Parade. We won’t tell if you just don’t decide to go back. The parade will travel FROM Five Points South TO Linn Park along the Birmingham Green. (Yeah, I didn’t know we had a “Birmingham Green” either.) It’s going to be a little more sci-fi than normal since OmegaCon kicks off the same day. So it won’t just be the green beer that has you seeing Stormtroopers and Trekkies. (That’s right Trekkies because I’m not arguing with Gene Roddenberry.)

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Got plans this weekend? 3.7 – 3.9

Wow, after last weekend’s marathon of events it looks like slim pickings for this weekend. But never fear, I have found what I think are some pretty cool things to do.

Little boys and big boys (and yes, little girls and big girls too) can take to the air at the Southern Museum of Flight now through Saturday. On hand is a F-15 Eagle flight simulator complete with throttle, stick and rutter peddles. Ooohhhh. Realistic sound and detailed graphics put you right in the cockpit.


Admission is $5/$4 for children. The museum is located at 4343 73rd St. North out near the airport. Call 833-8226 to check times the ride … I mean simulator … is flying. And don’t use the word hostage in any kind of a sentence while there. Example, the boss really held us “hostage” in the board room yesterday. Wouldn’t want Big Brother to throw you into a dark, bottomless holding facility far, far away.

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Got plans this weekend? 2.29 – 3.2

Goodness there’s a lot going on this weekend! It’s like everyone planning events looked at their calendars at the end of last year and all decided that March 1 would be the perfect day for their fundraiser/yak auction/open house. What, did they think Spring would be here and we’re all inching to ditch the cabin fever? Well, that’s kind of true but I wish it was a little warmer.

We’re all busy so I’m going to make this short and sweet …

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Got plans this weekend? 2.22 – 2.24

Hi, my name is Christina and I have a problem with books.

(Hi, Christina)

My particular problem is that I buy too many books, mainly for my son. Until I find a 12-step program, I’ll just have to keep hitting the thrift stores, used book stores and my favorite … library book sales. Give me some credit. I’ve at least figured out the cheapest ways to feed my addiction. This weekend you can find me pawing through the selection at the Emmet O’Neal Library in Mountain Brook. Last year I scored three first-edition Martha Stewart cookbooks and the campy “Let’s Make Rabbits” by Leo Lionni. The book sale is Friday and Saturday from 10-5 and Sunday from 1-4. Happy hunting.

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Got plans this weekend? 2.15 – 2.17

Congratulations on surviving Valentine’s Day! Or did you screw up by buying a blender instead of some bling? It’s not too late to make it up to your sweetie. Love can still be in the air.

Tonight try your hand at painting. Jennifer Harwell Art is hosting a Valentine Paint Party complete with heavy hors d’oeuvres catered by Tria paired with a selection of Tria’s finest wines. Two hours (7-9 p.m.) equals two paintings to proudly hang on the walls at home. Call RIGHT NOW 802-7847 because the event sold out last year. Cost is $50 per person. The gallery is located in SoHo Square, Homewood.

Painting not your special someone’s idea of fun? Continue reading

Got plans this weekend? 1.25 – 1.27

We’ve already told you about two chances to see presidential hopefuls Huckabee and Obama on Saturday and Sunday respectively. If it turns out you pick the right one to attend, you’ll be telling your grandkids you witnessed history being made. I personally don’t care who you are supporting. All I ask is that you do some research, pick the one you like and vote. No complaining allowed if you don’t vote. Your first chance is in the Alabama primary, Feb. 5.

Some suggestions after the jump…

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Got plans this weekend? 1.18 – 1.20

Oh my goodness! Did you hear the S-word on last night’s evening news? It’s causing quite a stir … and long lines at the grocery store. I’ve already got my milk, bread and beer so I’m ready for what I’m calling the “2008 Birmingham Snow Event.” The blogging folks at ABC 33/40 have a snow projection map. Let’s just say, I’ll believe it when I see snow angels. Since all the weather guys do act like the “2008 Birmingham Snow Event” is a sure thing Friday night late into Saturday afternoon give or take, you might want to check your pantries too and gather up the necessary supplies. My cold weather tip is to open your kitchen and bath cabinets (especially those on outside walls) to help the pipes stay warm. And if you let the faucets drip, put a cup or pitcher under to catch the water for any plants you have inside/outside. Despite any wet stuff falling from the sky, we’re still in a drought.

While I think the “2008 BSE” calls for hibernation under down comforters, some of you many want to leave the house the rest of the weekend and dance, dance, dance.

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