Tag Archives: update

A “Got plans?” primer for the 4th

Sorry guys and gals. I just spent some time adding items to the Terminal calendar, something I need to do more often (Hint, hint: Submit your events, your friends’ events, even stuff you hear about and I’ll do my best to get the info up somewhat quicker than slower). And I had this nagging feeling that I’d forgotten to do something. And then it hit me, I needed to take out the trash. Then I remembered the mayor gave everyone the day off. But not me. I won’t take the day off from telling you about this weekend; read on.

Yes, we know it’s a little slow…

We will be updating The Terminal’s layout this evening beginning at about 11 p.m. We are hopeful that we’ll be finished with the adjustments in time for John’s 7:45 a.m. post but there may be a chance that it might take just a little bit longer.

The changes will not be readily apparent but they are coming because we are aware that anyone who normally looks at The Terminal using any current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer is currently suffering through extremely slow page loading times. Considering that it’s most of our readers, we think we’ve got to take a look at it. We haven’t heard of any issues with Safari or Firefox, so you might consider trying out these browsers. Otherwise, please be patient.

Thanks in advance.

Before we begin today…

FYI – we’ve been playing with the furniture, moving it around and seeing what will work and what won’t. The result is a few days of quiet, sporadic posting while The Terminal is under “renovations” (though we’re excited by the number of folks that have entered our City Stages contest – if you didn’t know we were having one, check out the details). They’ve been quite simple so far, but if you haven’t been to the front page, just click on over and check out the far sidebar.

We’ll be continuing to make changes to the site during the next few days, including relaunching our City Stages section on Monday morning.

We’re taking our time and hope that you don’t mind having to put up with us being quiet. Now, where were we…

So, you still miss Beaner & Ken huh?

Beaner and Ken screenshot

Screenshot of Beaner & Ken website.

Well you can always let them know just how much Birmingham does! For those of you that didn’t know, Beaner & Ken (well, at least Ken) still maintain a website/blog tied to their former #1 morning show. The show was canceled in mid-December 2006 as part of what I still call our local Radio Carousel.

While still on their extended “vacation” they’re staying pretty active: Beaner’s vlogging (video blogging) for blogtv.com and Ken’s still in The Magic City playing in a band called More Cowbell. So show them some love and send them an email; it may end up in their fan mail section

We should have gotten the sign first

A little while back we wrote about the continuing pleas of the Forest Park-South Avondale to have the former Avonwood Cleaners demolished as it had become an eyesore in the community. Well, it looks like their prayers have been answered as the Birmingham News reports that the tear down has started.

It’ll hopefully be down by next week.

The contract to remove hazardous materials was originally on the January 2 Birmingham City Council agenda for approval (item 34).

Skylines and lineups

That’s what you’ll find over on Timetable during this first part of the week.

Charles shares his thoughts about the skyline that he’s In Love With.

And we figured with so many folks talking about ShamRock this weekend that the least we could do is provide the lineup with links to their MySpace pages or websites so you know what to expect.

We figured you were all really busy reading Kyle’s NY Times story anyway (you were, weren’t you). We’ll play catch up later this evening.

Random Shots: Parliament House Hotel update

Parliament House Hotel

Bob Farley/f8photo

Since the Parliament House Motor Hotel came down on February 17, workers have been slowly clearing away the rubble. Here a wroker tries to keep the dust down by spraying water on debris being loaded onto to trucks.