Tag Archives: Twitter

Follow City Stages on Twitter

Screenshot of City Stages' Twiter profile

Screenshot of City Stages’ Twitter profile page.

Birmingham’s annual downtown music festival has recently introduced a Twitter profile to the mix of ways to keep track of what’s going on. The popular (and recently erratic) microblogging program allows people to follow people, places and in this case events either on the web, or using your cell phone’s SMS feature. If used effectively, it could let people know about delays in acts taking the stage and other events associated with the festival among other things.

We’ve been quiet with our Twitter profile recently, but hopefully that will change this week…

Mountain Brook Inn comes down

 Mountain Brook Inn razing begins

Mountain Brook Inn being demolished today. leadingzero/twitpic

The wrecking ball (or crane as the case may be) appears to be providing evening rush hour drivers along U.S. Highway 280 with a show – in the form of the demolition of the Mountain Brook Inn. According to this story published on April 10 in The Birmingham News, the demolition is scheduled to take approximately eight weeks.

Thanks to @leadingzero for the use of the image; you can also check out this post on BirminghamDome to learn more about the known plans for the property (as well as that author’s thoughts about it’s place in Birmingham’s current development scheme).

al.com is live – on Twitter!

aldotcom Twitter profile screenshot

Screenshot of al.com’s Twitter page.

So just before I was about to say that it was a shame that al.com hadn’t gotten it’s own Twitter profile yet – poof! – it magically appears.

Most of the mainstream media in the city recently joined the Twitterverse (even if they aren’t all joining in the conversation that it’s supposed to be spawning). Luckily though, unlike the tweets sent out by The Birmingham News, the links from the al.com feed actually take you directly to the stories directly.

Still waiting for that first Fox 6 tweet though…

CBS 42 decides to join the Twitterverse

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile page.

CBS 42 has become the latest media outlet to add Twitter to their arsenal of news dissemination. They follow ABC 33/40, NBC 13 and The Birmingham News into the Twitterverse, leaving one major media outlet out of the tweeting – Fox 6. No word yet on when they’ll finally join the rest of us on this one…

Don’t forget we’re on Twitter too @bhamterminal. Still haven’t heard from the alt weeklies on Twitter yet either, have we?

NBC 13’s on Twitter

The Birmingham Twitterati is all abuzz with word that NBC 13 has joined the world of Twitter.

NBC 13 on Twitter

Screenshot of NBC13’s Twitter profile.

It looks like it’s part of a larger plan to have all NBC affiliates on the service.

They are not the first service online – that honor goes to The Birmingham News, who we believe has been using the service since last November.

Don’t forget you can follow us too – @bhamterminal.

SxDS: It’s on!

SxDS logoWe’ve just learned that SxDS is going to happen September 26 – 28 here in Birmingham, Alabama. There will also be a WordCamp rolled into the event; it would be the first WordCamp in the Southeastern United States. Yeah, that’s on top of already having the Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival that same weekend (it’s 10th!). The announcements will appear on their sites at approximately 2:30 p.m. CDT.

More details to follow, but for now check out their official website or follow them on Twitter. You can also sign up to assist with the WordCamp through its Google Group.

Keeping track of the pulse in town

Birmingham Pulse screenshot

Screenshot of Birmingham Pulse

We wanted to take a moment to welcome all of our new followers on Twitter (BTW – want to follow us? It’s bhamterminal). We also wanted to make sure that you knew about a new site that allows all of us in Birmingham to keep track of each other using the popular service.

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