Tag Archives: The Terminal

Take a look around

Every once in a while, we forget about how many people read The Terminal via our RSS feed. As a result, we know that a lot of folks won’t necessarily know what’s going on elsewhere on the site. So this is that point where we remind you about what else is up on Birmingham’s hub and invite you to poke around…

Over on Timetable, Charles shares his thoughts on the city’s Art Deco architecture while Whitney reminds us of two great options for live music this evening. I took a moment yesterday and wrote a piece wondering aloud what would happen if Mayor Langford joined the ranks of the bloggers (and some other mayors) and posted on a regular basis over on my Birmingham… Look around, comment, dance if you really feel like it (though the music’s not here… yet).

Now with new contributors!

If you’ve been following Timetable recently, you may have noticed that posts are going up on a far more frequent basis than before. There are a couple reasons for that, most notably our newest contributors to The Terminal, Libby Sexton & Whitney Sides.

Check out Whitney’s bio over on our staff page; then head on over to Timetable tonight so you could learn some more about tonight’s performance by The Warlocks at Bottletree.

We’ll hopefully have Libby’s bio up soon, though you can go ahead check out her latest post about Birmingham’s options for barbecue.

Yes, we know it’s a little slow…

We will be updating The Terminal’s layout this evening beginning at about 11 p.m. We are hopeful that we’ll be finished with the adjustments in time for John’s 7:45 a.m. post but there may be a chance that it might take just a little bit longer.

The changes will not be readily apparent but they are coming because we are aware that anyone who normally looks at The Terminal using any current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer is currently suffering through extremely slow page loading times. Considering that it’s most of our readers, we think we’ve got to take a look at it. We haven’t heard of any issues with Safari or Firefox, so you might consider trying out these browsers. Otherwise, please be patient.

Thanks in advance.

So, about that announcement…

We did promise an announcement about July 26 today, didn’t we:

The Terminal Concert poster - poster courtesy of Adam Stoves

Click on the image above to learn more info!

Special thanks to Travis Morgan at Skybucket Records and Adam Stoves for the poster design.

So, who won the first four passes?

We’ve got the names of the first two winners of weekend passes to City Stages 20!

Congratulations to Trey McClure and Geno Pearson! We’ll be sending you emails later today so you know where you can pick up your passes.

The entry form is still open and we’ll be announcing the winners of two more pairs of weekend passes next week Monday. If you entered last week before 5 p.m., we’re going to ask you to resubmit your entry.

We’re also going to ask that you bear with us as we’ll unveil our City Stages section on Wednesday instead of today…

Before we begin today…

FYI – we’ve been playing with the furniture, moving it around and seeing what will work and what won’t. The result is a few days of quiet, sporadic posting while The Terminal is under “renovations” (though we’re excited by the number of folks that have entered our City Stages contest – if you didn’t know we were having one, check out the details). They’ve been quite simple so far, but if you haven’t been to the front page, just click on over and check out the far sidebar.

We’ll be continuing to make changes to the site during the next few days, including relaunching our City Stages section on Monday morning.

We’re taking our time and hope that you don’t mind having to put up with us being quiet. Now, where were we…

So, are we going away?

About a month ago, I announced that we were seriously considering shutting the site down effective May 30. (Surprise to everyone who didn’t see it…) Well, we’ve made a decision: while we are still a long way from achieving our financial goals, we’re not going away – at least not yet.

We wanted to make sure that you knew that before you figured out that we weren’t going to be making posts to the site through early Tuesday morning. When we wake up from the long weekend (at around 10 a.m. CDT), we’ll be letting you know about how you can win passes to City Stages 20!

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