Tag Archives: Online

The Caputo Report changes directions

Caputo Report logoPascal Caputo has served as the vice president of public policy for the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce for nearly two years. For the last seven months he has shared posts on The Caputo Report, a blog that became a valuable tool for the organization in terms of sharing perspectives on Chamber-related issues.

Well, beginning with this post filed on Saturday, the blog is now reflecting only the opinions of Mr. Caputo as he prepares to leave the Chamber in advance of the soon to be reorganized Chamber (their merger with the Metropolitan Development Board will be complete later this summer). He explains what he hopes to continue to do with the blog in the near future. This comes after

Logo: Courtesy of The Caputo Report.

What is #bhamchat?

Those of you that follow our Twitter feed saw that one of the only tweets we sent out today involved joining us for a conversation about Birmingham starting at 6:30 p.m. tonight. Well, here’s a quick description of #bhamchat:

We wanted to see if folks wanted to talk about issues facing the city and the metro region. The topics will vary depending on what’s been going on around Birmingham. We’ll stay neutral on the issues and try to provide additional information as needed.

If you’re on Twitter, please feel free to follow us at @bhamterminal this evening and join in on the conversation. We’ll be creating a page on the site to help archive the discussions; you may also want to use http://search.twitter.com or http://tweetgrid.com and type in #bhamchat.

A Smart Directory for teachers

Smart Directory logoThe Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham has recently launched a new directory for educational programs in the greater Birmingham area. The Smart Directory includes listings of in-school presentations, off-site programs and field trips and links to other useful resources for our community’s teachers – and those just interested in seeing all that we have available to us in the area.

Image: courtesy of the organization’s website

MyScoop expands into Nashville

bhamscoopFellow Birmingham-based online publication My Scoop announced this morning that they have launched a second site for Nashville, TN. The website launched in 2007 and currently receives 9,426 monthly page visits from the Music City, leading to My Scoop Media, Inc. CEO Amy Lemley Bailey‘s decision to formally expand into Tennessee.

Bailey expressed excitement in the press release announcing the launch of the new website stating that “We are thrilled to provide Nashville with the most current information about fashion, beauty, posh living and entertainment in their area.”

Image: courtesy of myscoop.us

bhamcentral.com has launched

bhamcentral.com logoAttendees to this year’s BarCamp Birmingham had the opportunity to hear from Harris Reynolds about the experience of developing and launching a new website in one week – bhamcentral.com. Harris felt the need to explore and provide a solution to the issue of the online community portal.

You can read what was driving his desire to create one on his blog, Simplifying Software, check out the presentation on Vimeo (and think about checking out all of the other presentations from BarCamp as they become available) and try bhamcentral.com out for yourself and see what you think.

Facebook users beware

There is a new phishing scam on Facebook that is trying to trick members of the popular social networking site to share their profile login information – and we’re not talking about yesterday’s fbaction.net situation.

Beware of any messages that you receive today asking you to check out a site called fbstarter.com. Do not visit the site or enter your Facebook login information. We’ll thank Nate over at Varloo Design for the head’s up on the new twist.

Check out Some New Trend… today

Some New Trend stickersBlog fiction has remained, as described in its Wikipedia entry, an “isolated… fringe activity” area of the blogosphere. Well, there are a few writers here in Birmingham, AL that are hoping to change that with their latest collaborative effort, Some New Trend

This full length fiction story blog also doubles as a collection of posts in which contributors review books, music, and movies geared toward young adults. The site started in February, with the first chapter of the story being posted earlier this month. They have a presence on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Elisa over at Bike Skirt did a write-up earlier this month on SNT and some of the folks contributing to it. After you’re finished checking it out, go over there and read the first two chapters (or at least consider supporting them by buying some schwag)!