Tag Archives: Alabama

Birthdays everywhere

Octagon Clock. Pam Morgan/FlickrIt’s been a fairly busy past few days so far as birthdays or anniversaries go.

Birmingham’s newspaper of record, The Birmingham News, celebrated 122 years of existence yesterday. The Birmingham Genealogical Society turns 51 today while BhamWiki marks four years of documenting the Birmingham district today (they decided to celebrate on Saturday).

Oh yeah… this site, The Terminal, turned three yesterday. We haven’t celebrated yet, though we’re looking for help to figure out how. I figured the best way to honor that yesterday was to write a post over on the site that led to its creation, Dre’s Ramblings (the new one) as opposed to the old one that still needs to come down (it has the same stuff after all)- and say thanks.

Photo: Octagon Clock. Pam Morgan/Flickr

What is the future of coworking in Birmingham?

Shift Workspace Bob Farley/f8PhotoThe hope for the meeting taking place this evening at Shift Workspace starting at 6 p.m. is to answer the question of if there is a future for coworking in Birmingham, AL. The collaborative space opened to much fanfare (and media coverage) last May. We’ve maintained a desk in the space for several months and are considered an anchor tenant, originally hoping to use it for a series of conversations about issues affecting the city.

This January however, a post on the site quietly announced an initial decision to downsize and move the concept of the space to Austin, TX. A recent article in the Birmingham Business Journal revealed that the location would most likely close when its lease is up, though some of the members are trying to see if they will be able to keep the idea alive (whether it be there or elsewhere in the city), hence why they’re meeting tonight.

The hope is to see if the city’s tech and creative communities want a space and, if so, what’s needed to make it useful for them. Come on out and share your thoughts.

Photo: Bob Farley/f8Photo

How should we celebrate three years?

As this month’s b-metro column suggests, I’ve been thinking about how to celebrate three years of existence.

Yeah, it seems quite weird to think it’s been three years already, but it will be a week from Sunday…

So after I realized that I wasn’t doing a good job coming up with ideas myself, I thought it would be best to turn to all of you.

How do you think we should celebrate our third anniversary?

Whatever it is will probably not happen on March 14 itself but later on in the month – that’s the hope at least. (BTW – yes, that image you see above is of the front page of The Terminal from April 2007). Things have changed, haven’t they? Share your suggestions in the comments section.

Also, folks signed up for our e-newsletter, the express, (hint, hint) will get a message tomorrow about helping test a new section of the site. Please note that if you do sign up today it is a double opt-in process, so let us know if you don’t receive a confirmation email.

UPDATE: Leon Redbone’s in town TONIGHT!

Leon RedboneUPDATE: Congratulations to James Gilbreath, our winner and thanks to those who participated.

One person at random will find out at 4 p.m. that they’ve got a chance to win two (2) tickets to see Leon Redbone live and in person in Birmingham’s Five Points South entertainment district. Sipsey Tavern is located at 1926 12th Ave. S (the former Bailey’s Pub location for those in the know).  I’ve got a feeling that you’ll recognize the voice behind the theme song to Mr. Belvedere (it’s the video linked here) and classic Saturday Night Live appearances among other things.

How do you enter? You’ve got to have a Twitter account and you’ve got until 3:30 p.m. CT to retweet the following for all to see:

Check out Leon Redbone @sipseytavern TONIGHT @ 8 pm http://bit.ly/cJwPhn – RT to win tickets from @bhamterminal #bham

Think of it as an early thank you for those of you who’ve visited the site.

BTW – A head’s up – it may not be up tomorrow.

In case you don’t win, limited tickets are still available for $40 each and they’re still available by phone (205.202.4116). Good luck! We’ll let you know who wins at 4 p.m. both here and on Twitter…

Photo: Courtesy of the venue. Taken by Nancy DePra

Birmingham-JeffCo History Museum is full-speed ahead

Photo by Bob Farley/f8PhotoThe Birmingham-Jefferson History Museum is getting close to keeping its promise of opening this spring. We first mentioned the effort’s new home last summer once we’d figured out that the murals that had been in the Lyric Theater had been moved to the museum’s soon to be temporary space.

We shared some photos that took a closer look at the unfinished work of art that will no doubt play a prominent role in the early days of the facility ion this site’ Gallery back in June. We’re using one of those images here in this piece as well.

Laura Kate at Magic City Manifesto recently stumbled across the museum’s hopefully temporary home over at the Center for Regional Planning and Architecture (a.k.a that building on 18th Street and 1st Avenue North) and found out that it is indeed planning to open in late April (the 29th to be exact).

Hopefully folks will learn more about additional plans in the coming weeks.

Photo: Bob Farley/f8Photo

UAB awards scholarship to newborn

Jakaila Humphrey (left) and La'Issac Smith - courtesy UAB News La’Isaac Smith is a pretty lucky newborn. He was selected in a random drawing by the UAB Health System to receive a full, undergraduate tuition scholarship to UAB (which should no doubt come in quite handy when he’s eligible to enroll in 2027). His sister is shown here congratulating him as his parents, Kwanetta Humphrey and Bruce Smith, received the news on Monday afternoon.

La’Issac was the first of five newborns to enjoy the comforts of the new UAB Women and Infants Center when it opened this past Sunday, February 21, providing the back story (via UAB’s News service) for his good fortune. The 430,000 square foot facility is the newest addition to the university’s medical center campus, carrying with it a $164 million price tag.

That translates into a state of the art facility – one that does indeed “…feel more like a first-class hotel than a hospital.” Got a feeling that the patients will appreciate it.

Photo: Jakaila Humphrey (left) and La’Issac Smith. UAB News

Travelogue: Not quite abandoned yet

A look up into the Lyric Theater. acnatta/FlickrJJ MacCrimmon is a photographer out of Huntsville, AL who recently posted these images of the historic Lyric Theater on his blog Orbits of a deluded mind. He’s promised to share additional photos from his trip this past July soon.

The upper floors of the building that housed the theater has been vacant for many years now, but as many of you may know (and as JJ points out in his first post of photos back in December) there are many people working to restore the property and have it see use again as a performance venue for Birmingham, AL. The Lyric is currently owned by Birmingham Landmarks, Inc., the organization that currently operates The Alabama Theatre. Folks looking for additional information about the theater can check out this entry on BhamWiki or this post from Cinema Treasures.

Folks looking to find out how they can help with the theater’s renovation efforts should check out the official Lyric Theater website.

Photo: A look up into the Lyric Theater. acnatta/Flickr