Tag Archives: Leon Redbone

UPDATE: Leon Redbone’s in town TONIGHT!

Leon RedboneUPDATE: Congratulations to James Gilbreath, our winner and thanks to those who participated.

One person at random will find out at 4 p.m. that they’ve got a chance to win two (2) tickets to see Leon Redbone live and in person in Birmingham’s Five Points South entertainment district. Sipsey Tavern is located at 1926 12th Ave. S (the former Bailey’s Pub location for those in the know).  I’ve got a feeling that you’ll recognize the voice behind the theme song to Mr. Belvedere (it’s the video linked here) and classic Saturday Night Live appearances among other things.

How do you enter? You’ve got to have a Twitter account and you’ve got until 3:30 p.m. CT to retweet the following for all to see:

Check out Leon Redbone @sipseytavern TONIGHT @ 8 pm http://bit.ly/cJwPhn – RT to win tickets from @bhamterminal #bham

Think of it as an early thank you for those of you who’ve visited the site.

BTW – A head’s up – it may not be up tomorrow.

In case you don’t win, limited tickets are still available for $40 each and they’re still available by phone (205.202.4116). Good luck! We’ll let you know who wins at 4 p.m. both here and on Twitter…

Photo: Courtesy of the venue. Taken by Nancy DePra