Tag Archives: Alabama

A local Tweetup group? Maybe…

A local user of Twitter has taken it upon himself to create a group on Facebook for folks in town who use the popular microblogging service. He’s also called a Tweetup for December 29 at Urban Standard from 4-6 p.m. So if you can escape work early that first day after the Christmas holiday, you may want to go on over, check it out and let us know how it goes.

BTW, We’ll have information about our first Terminally Happy Hour of the New Year (on January 8) available soon – plenty of time to wind down from the long holiday season.

Dean and Co. invade the interwebs

Screenshot of the new Dean and Company website.

So, those of us that have cable service here in Birmingham, AL are familiar, or at least know about Dean and Company. They’ve been on television for 30 years and now they’ve got a website. They were on Rick and Bubba this morning to formally launch it and It’s just as off the wall and… well, you go ahead and take a look for yourselves.

The reason for the paratransit stall

Remember yesterday’s On the agenda post? Well, according to sources, some City Council members said they needed extra time to determine whether the $1.7 million paratransit expenditure would be deducted from the BJCTA’s FY2009 operating budget or would be in addition to that amount, leading to a two-week delay on the item.

Well, I’m in New York City and I’ve got an interesting (or frustrating) take on it – check it out over on My Birmingham.

The Caputo Report has arrived

The Birmingham blogosphere is always growing, and recently we’ve seen some interesting additions to the mix. One of them is The Caputo Report, written by our regional Chamber of Commerce‘s vice president of public policy, Pascal Caputo.

The first official blog from the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce has hit the ground running having just completed a poll about the necessity of a county manager for Jefferson County. The chamber has been supporting this initiative for some time, including a bill introduced in Montgomery earlier this year. It’ll be interesting to see how the Chamber uses this tool in the future.

Lights and tradition, and a little boost

Head on over to Timetable and you can check out Terri’s ideas for having fun one evening during the holiday season and Josh’s look at holiday celebrations at one of Birmingham’s historic West Side sites. Plus, you may be able to help the guys from Wild Sweet Orange get into heavy rotation on MTVu. Sounds like a reason to head on over, doesn’t it?

Of course, you could just share your favorite song of the holiday season with everyone over on Magic City Question … maybe…

Larry’s been busy too

Today’s been a busy day insofar as Birmingham mayor Larry Langford’s legal issues are concerned. This afternoon the legal team representing the mayor against federal charges brought against him recently asked that his right to a speedy trial be waived due to the amount of information that must be sorted through. The team will be hoping that the ruling in response to this motion is in their favor, unlike the ruling that was handed down earlier in the day involving the case brought against him by Central Alabama Pride, Inc. in late August.

Sandella’s coming to Birmingham

Sandella's Flatbread Cafe logoNo, we don’t know where the locations will be (or even when they’ll open), but the word is that a local investor has announced plans to open two locations of Sandella’s Flatbread Cafe here in Birmingham, AL next year.

I’d suggest checking out their website to learn more about them (since they’d probably do a much better job than we would).