Tag Archives: Alabama

Owner of Century Plaza files for bankruptcy

General Growth Properties (GGP) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early this morning, as first reported by The New York Times and as announced via press release on GGP’s website. The release states that day to day operations will not be affected by the filing in New York. The New York Times’ blog post also speculates about the company looking to sell off properties to help emerge out of bankruptcy as soon as possible. It is reportedly the largest real estate bankruptcy filing in the nation’s history at $27 billion.

Birmingham’s Century Plaza is on the list of properties included in the filing. GGP also operates the Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, however it was not included in the list of properties since the company only serves as a management agent for one of Alabama’s top shopping destinations.

In February it was announced that the last anchor store at Century Plaza, Sears, had planned to close at the end of May – its already done so.

Check out Some New Trend… today

Some New Trend stickersBlog fiction has remained, as described in its Wikipedia entry, an “isolated… fringe activity” area of the blogosphere. Well, there are a few writers here in Birmingham, AL that are hoping to change that with their latest collaborative effort, Some New Trend

This full length fiction story blog also doubles as a collection of posts in which contributors review books, music, and movies geared toward young adults. The site started in February, with the first chapter of the story being posted earlier this month. They have a presence on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Elisa over at Bike Skirt did a write-up earlier this month on SNT and some of the folks contributing to it. After you’re finished checking it out, go over there and read the first two chapters (or at least consider supporting them by buying some schwag)!

Council supports Rickwood proposal, but not funding

The Birmingham City Council just voted on items pertaining to a potential restoration project for America’s oldest ballpark, Rickwood Field.

The ballpark is located on Birmingham’s West Side and will turn 100 years old next spring. The following was taken verbatim from the City’s Facebook group, as sent by Alicia Brown:

Mayor Langford has proposed the formation of the Baseball Museum that will honor both the Negro Baseball League and the Southern League. Some Council members expressed concern about the “change in scope” by including the white leagues, but Mayor Langford explained that Birmingham has matured and is ready to recognize all of its history. Council voted a resolution to support the museum, but did not approve funding, delaying the project.

Random shots: Getting ready for tomorrow

easter Rob NeedhamMichael Needham, 4, admires his handiwork, viz. his freshly dyed Easter eggs, while others soak in their coffee mug vats.

For those looking for other ways to enjoy this relaxing Saturday in Birmingham, AL, you’ve still got time to get to Ensley for their 3rd annual Easter Parade and Gospel Concert. The parade starts at 12 p.m. and the concert begins shortly afterward.

Need some other idea (or have some you’d like to share)? Head on over to this week’s got plans post over on Timetable.

BTW, if you feel so compelled to share your photos from this weekend, send them into photos@bhamterminal.com.

Photo: Rob Needham. Email submission to bhamterminal.

Emageon sale complete; layoffs follow

The long planned acquisition of Emageon by Boston-based AMICAS, Inc. was completed on April 3. As part of the purchase agreement, Emageon’s board of directors resigned their posts (scroll down). Shareholders concerned about the details of the merger filed a lawsuit in Boston early last month. A settlement agreement was reached on March 27 according to The Birmingham News.

Yesterday, employees at the Emageon’s Birmingham headquarters learned that it would be closing. According to buzz on Twitter beginning yesterday afternoon, they also learned of more than 100 planned layoffs (many in Birmingham) to take place by September 30.

No more Super 6 in Birmingham

super_six_logoFootball is more than a pastime in Alabama, and the crowds that gather at the annual Super 6 state football championships here in Birmingham at Legion Field represent that status more than anything else. Make that used to represent…

This afternoon CBS 42 broke the news that the championships would no longer be played in The Magic City and instead alternate between Tuscaloosa and Auburn, just like the Iron Bowl decided before it.

What does it mean to our local economy? Representatives from Birmingham’s Convention and Visitors Bureau told Chris Pollone of NBC 13 that they think it could cost the region more than $4 million.

We do get to keep the state basketball championships, but some are already arguing that a multipurpose facility’s time has finally come.

Langford to host town hall meetings

There are actually two stories that are taking place at the same time. First of all is the fact that The City of Birmingham’s Office of Public Information is on Facebook. The group is the latest move by the city to reach out to residents online.

Larry LangfordNow onto the reason for the post – Mayor Larry Langford is hosting a series of town hall meetings throughout the city. The first one, called “Why Birmingham Can’t Wait,” will take place on Thursday evening at Boutwell Auditorium beginning at 6 p.m. Additional ones will be held at area churches in the coming weeks, providing residents with the opportunity to ask the mayor and other representatives about current initiatives and learn about projects such as the planned repaving of neighborhood streets. You get to submit your questions for the mayor to ask as well in advance – via email to opi@birminghamal.gov. If you can’t make it to Boutwell, Fox 6 is scheduled to stream the event on its website.

Photo: Bob Farley/f8Photo