Tag Archives: AL

Find your way on MAX online

Screenshot of BJCTA’s new website

Before we return to silent mode, we figured it would make sense to stress to folks to check out the tranist authority’s new website. New features include a ticker-style rider alert, planned integration of Google Transit, and most importantly, an easier to read and understand map for the system’s users.

Check it out and let us know what you think below.

Riding on hydrogen

One day if you ever feel so inclined to ride the bus, the one you’re on may be powered by hydrogen fuel cells. Whether or not that’s a viable option or not will depend on how a demonstration bus called the EcoBus, being used by the BJCTA next year as part of a study at UAB, does in field tests around metro Birmingham. The announcement was made last week by the university, the bus will be built in Georgia and The Birmingham News has more details.

A Race to remember

Gordon Bell/bhamterminal.com

We really don’t have any idea how many people took part in or attended this year’s Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in downtown Birmingham. We do know that all that benefit from the funds raised are grateful for their efforts. Click on the image above to view pictures from this morning’s event courtesy of our own Gordon Bell.

Urbanham launches redesign

Screenshot of Urbanham.com

Urbanham.com is about to celebrate ten years of being Birmingham’s web portal for urban lifestyles. Sounds like it’s a perfect time to do a site redesign to us. For the web designers among our readership, the site is now powered using WordPress. Check it out…

New Good People brew debuts at Harvest Brew

The post title pretty much tells the story. 9 Numbers is reporting that Good People Brewing Company will be introducing an Oatmeal Stout tomorrow evening at Homewood’s Harvest Brew event. Tria Market’s blog has all of the pertinent information on this Oktoberfest celebration beginning at 5 p.m.According to the 9 Numbers post, it’s a limited release, so if you don’t get it tomorrow, you’ll want to get on over to the J. Clyde and Five Points Grill next week.

While we’re at it, the folks at Good People are asking folks to become fans of their page on Facebook instead of becoming friends with their profile.

Plans for a recession-proof weekend

In the spirit of the economic crisis, I’m bailing us all out by highlighting free stuff going on around town this weekend. Then if I have room, I’ll mention some items that will cost you for the one guy who just happened to sell his Wachovia stock before it tanked. And while the SEC knocks on his door, you can head over to Timetable for my own insider tips.

About this new calendar…

Some of you were curious enough to click on the link in yesterday’s EcoFest post and check out our latest incarnation of The Terminal’s calendar, destinations. We’re still working a few things out (actually, a lot of things out) over the next few weeks, but we thought the best way to get it started would be to invite you to send in your events to us using our new submission form. It will be easier for all of us, particularly for our beloved associate editor, whose duties included typing all of those things in.

It’s simple – put in as much information as you think we’ll need (realizing that we’re only going to post up to about 200 words anyway), submit your name, email and website URL, click submit and you’re finished.

We have a few other surprises in store for you, especially once the magic calendar does what it’s supposed to be doing (hopefully by the end of the week). You’ll understand when you see it.