Category Archives: Online

A Summer Splash for a Birmingham institution

Southern Environmental Center logoThe Southern Environmental Center at Birmingham Southern College is starting to celebrate its 10th anniversary this month with its first ever online auction. Summer Splash currently has 19 items available for visitors to bid on with all proceeds going to support the organizations educational efforts. We’re pretty sure they’d appreciate you visiting (and bidding) early and often. But no worries, you can visit and bid until May 21 and there’s always EcoFest 10 in October…

So, you still miss Beaner & Ken huh?

Beaner and Ken screenshot

Screenshot of Beaner & Ken website.

Well you can always let them know just how much Birmingham does! For those of you that didn’t know, Beaner & Ken (well, at least Ken) still maintain a website/blog tied to their former #1 morning show. The show was canceled in mid-December 2006 as part of what I still call our local Radio Carousel.

While still on their extended “vacation” they’re staying pretty active: Beaner’s vlogging (video blogging) for and Ken’s still in The Magic City playing in a band called More Cowbell. So show them some love and send them an email; it may end up in their fan mail section

UPDATE: The Birmingham News… it’s gone blog!

Screenshot of Birmingham News test page

Screenshot of potential “new” Birmingham News homepage.

Well, apparently not yet… though we were able to catch this screenshot of a revamped Birmingham News homepage about mid-morning – though it’s currently gone back to its original state. The redesign resembled the layout that is currently in use on’s entertainment section.

We’re not sure if we just stumbled across something by accident or not, but we’re sure that our friends at will let us know…

UPDATE: 1:12 p.m. – According to the folks at the paper, the page has been fixed, and it is now active as it is picture above. It was suffering problems due to the severe weather affecting the region right now.

Can you Shut Down for a Day? Find out tomorrow

Speaking of computers, can you go an entire day without turning yours on? Well, we here at The Terminal are going to try to accomplish just that (with try being the operative word) …

Screenshot of Shutdown

Screenshot of

Tomorrow is Shutdown Day, where several thousand people are participating in a great experiment – whether or not they can go for the entire day without using their computer. We’ve become a little dependent on them in recent years (we know we wouldn’t exist if you didn’t depend on them for some things). We normally don’t post on Saturdays anyway but this time we just won’t be checking the site either. We’ll do our best to lock it down before midnight tonight – though we may program one post for tomorrow for those of you that just can’t resist…

But we were wondering, can you shut down and be completely connected for a day (and what would you do?) We’ve read about one guy that can’t, but maybe he’s got a good reason. Besides, we do have a fire breathing dragon to go check out… is live – on Twitter!

aldotcom Twitter profile screenshot

Screenshot of’s Twitter page.

So just before I was about to say that it was a shame that hadn’t gotten it’s own Twitter profile yet – poof! – it magically appears.

Most of the mainstream media in the city recently joined the Twitterverse (even if they aren’t all joining in the conversation that it’s supposed to be spawning). Luckily though, unlike the tweets sent out by The Birmingham News, the links from the feed actually take you directly to the stories directly.

Still waiting for that first Fox 6 tweet though…

CBS 42 decides to join the Twitterverse

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile page.

CBS 42 has become the latest media outlet to add Twitter to their arsenal of news dissemination. They follow ABC 33/40, NBC 13 and The Birmingham News into the Twitterverse, leaving one major media outlet out of the tweeting – Fox 6. No word yet on when they’ll finally join the rest of us on this one…

Don’t forget we’re on Twitter too @bhamterminal. Still haven’t heard from the alt weeklies on Twitter yet either, have we?