Tag Archives: information

Across the pond: WordCamp Birmingham… overseas

WordCamp UK logoThe WordCamp announced earlier today as part of SxDS will not be the only one held in a city named Birmingham this year. As we begin a daily check-in with our sister city across the pond, we take note that they also announced plans for a WordCamp today.

Theirs is currently scheduled to take place on July 19 & 20. They currently have a wiki and a subdomain set up on WordCamp.org to help with planning.

FYI – There’s also one coming up in France starting on May 3…

No tax on groceries? Could be…

The Alabama State House of Representatives passed a measure yesterday that would allow voters to decide via referendum in November if they will pay state taxes on groceries. The bill would also take away the ability for some taxpayers to deduct their Federal income tax from their amount of state taxes due as a replacement for revenue, leading to some interesting discussion and opinions.

According to the article in today’s Birmingham News, the bill’s sponsor believes that the measure, if approved, would save a majority of the state’s taxpayers money. It would also still allow taxes to be charged at the local and county level.

What do you think? Click here to let us know.

Be Terminally Happy tonight…

Terminally Happy Hour 300In case you didn’t know, we’re hosting our first ever Terminally Happy Hour this evening over at The Bottletree. We’ve learned a couple of things since we first announced this event…

The Bottletree’s going to run happy hour prices until 8 p.m., meaning that we’ve actually got an extra hour for the event (thanks guys!)

There’s going to be a Mystery Science Theater 3000 marathon afterwards (here’s the info courtesy of The Bottletree).

So come on out, enjoy the patio, the Magic City Manhattan (bourbon, sweet vermouth, and a splash of bitters) and the company of fellow readers and members of our staff!

If you feel like letting us know if you’re going to be there, RSVP via our invites on MySpace or Facebook.

Tax Day 2008: What to do?

1040 Fest adNo, we don’t ask that question in complete jest; it is one of the busiest days of the year for post offices across the country, including Birmingham’s downtown location. If you need to escape the insanity of filing those last minute returns, 1040 Fest may be your answer. This event is now in its fourth year and will take place across the street from the downtown office beginning at 4 p.m. (you’ve got until 10:40 p.m. to get there). Click on the image to view a larger poster for details.

The Birmingham News’ breaking news blog has posted a map showing where people will be standing outside of the main branch to collect last minute filings from area residents. If you really don’t have to go to the post office, you may want to find an alternate route to head home.

Seven Springs Ecoscape dedicated

Seven Springs walk - Andre Natta/Flickr

Arnold Rutkis accompanies Birmingham City Councilors Miriam Witherspoon and Valerie Abbott through the Seven Springs Ecoscape shortly after the end of its ribbon cutting ceremony. André Natta/Flickr

We figured we’d save this story for today as a way to warm up. The Seven Springs Ecoscape was officially dedicated yesterday during a mid-afternoon ceremony that included attendance by Birmingham City Councilors Miriam Witherspoon (it is located in her district) and Valerie Abbott.

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Keeping track of the pulse in town

Birmingham Pulse screenshot

Screenshot of Birmingham Pulse

We wanted to take a moment to welcome all of our new followers on Twitter (BTW – want to follow us? It’s bhamterminal). We also wanted to make sure that you knew about a new site that allows all of us in Birmingham to keep track of each other using the popular service.

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Want to contribute to Birmingham’s hub?

It’s time to make that quarterly request for those interested in writing posts for The Terminal to make yourselves known to us. Now that we’ve been around for a year, it’s becoming tougher and tougher for those that are still involved with the site’s day-to-day operations to keep up with all of the submissions and story ideas. It’s currently a job where the only pay is knowing that you’ve helped to make more people in the city aware of what’s going on – though we’re working on it.

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