Tag Archives: information

Send the future leaders off in style this evening

If you’re downtown this evening, the Birmingham Business Alliance is hosting a Summer Send-Off for those that have braved the heat and the rain as interns in The Magic City this year. It also provides them with a chance to talk with current young professionals about what’s keeping them in Birmingham and why these interns should return and become our community’s new leaders after they’ve completed college. The event’s going to be at Rogue Tavern and starts at 5 p.m.

While we’re in that mindset, kudos to former Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce president David Adkisson as he recently became the chair of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives.

Who’s running for City Council on August 25?

New Birmingham, Alabama logoFolks had until yesterday to qualify for the August 25 municipal elections for Birmingham’s City Council and Board of Education. Runoffs if necessary would take place on October 6. That meant that I’ve spent most of today trying to find out how many of them have a web presence. The results follow below.

We start with the list of candidates running for City Council’s nine (9) representative seats. It starts after the jump.

BTW, no surprise, it’s a long one with 46 people qualifying by the deadline.

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Vote for America’s Favorite Farmers Market

marketlogoThe American Farmland Trust is conducting the America’s Favorite Farmers Markets contest and the Pepper Place Farmers Market is on the list to consider from Alabama. They’re inviting folks to “Let the world know you love your local farmers market” by voting. If you want to add any of the other farmers markets in the metro Birmingham area (or the state of Alabama) we think they wouldn’t mind. Plus, you help others know just how many options we’ve got around here too…

Car tags due in Aug. or Sept? You’ve got breathing room

Yes, we’re serious. Today the word came down from the state’s revenue commissioner, Tim Russell, that if your car tags are scheduled to be renewed either this month or in September in Jefferson County that you’ve now got until November to do so, meaning Birmingham residents don’t necessarily have to worry about standing in those long lines at the county courthouse or in Linn Park. The PDF was posted on the state’s revenue site earlier today and applies not only to vehicle registration renewals but property tax payment deadlines.

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How crooked is Birmingham?

Local blogger Wade Kwon is tackling this question via a month-long series on Wade on Birmingham, taking a look at some of Birmingham’s Biggest Crooks. The site describes the series as “a celebration of Birmingham’s most notorious crooks, whether they be liars, thieves, extortionists, swindlers or thugs.” If you’re in love with RSS feeds, you can even subscribe to one just to follow along.

The series’ calendar ends on August 31, the same day that Birmingham’s mayor, Larry Langford, is scheduled to go on trial on federal bribery and conspiracy charges.

Introducing the Birmingham Business Alliance

Yesterday evening a large crowd gathered at The Club for the launch of the Birmingham Business Alliance, the organization resulting from the merger of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Metropolitan Development Board. The entity’s president and CEO, Dalton Smith, shared the vision and mission of the BBA with those in attendance.

They’ve also wasted little time in setting up additional avenues through which the new organization can share information, including a new fan page on Facebook launched yesterday during the event.

Share your thoughts on the mock draft constitution – before midnight!

Tonight at midnight is the deadline to offer your comments and opinions about the mock draft constitution created as part of the Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform (ACCR) Foundation‘s Mock Constitutional Convention.

The public comment period has been going on for some time now and the deadline is for your submission of comments considered in the document’s reworking. Doc’s Political Parlor is hosting the commenting period – click here to get started.

Doc also has some additional information about the goals of the exercise – and if you need incentive to check that link out, how about taking a look at the world’s largest constitution (that would be Alabama’s) digitally compared to the U.S. Constitution.