Tag Archives: Alabama

This week’s #bhamchat

Last night’s #bhamchat was unexpectedly delayed for several reasons.For those looking forward to it, especially in light of all of the news events from yesterday, I apologize for not giving adequate notice.

It’s our intention to hold it this evening instead (Wednesday, July 15) starting at 6:30 p.m. CT. If you’ve got any ideas for topics for this evening, and your suggestion to the comments section below.

For those not familiar with #bhamchat, check out this explanation over on my Birmingham.

Introducing the Birmingham Business Alliance

Yesterday evening a large crowd gathered at The Club for the launch of the Birmingham Business Alliance, the organization resulting from the merger of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Metropolitan Development Board. The entity’s president and CEO, Dalton Smith, shared the vision and mission of the BBA with those in attendance.

They’ve also wasted little time in setting up additional avenues through which the new organization can share information, including a new fan page on Facebook launched yesterday during the event.

WordCamp Birmingham, Social South launch websites

We’ve been silent for the past few days (well, we were saying stuff on Twitter, but for the most part that means that we’ve been silent for the past few days…).

WordCamp Birmingham logoOur reason for silence – the launching of the new WordCamp Birmingham website just in time to open registration (complete with an early bird discount) and announce a call for speakers and sponsors for September 26 & 27. We’re still wondering if Matt Mullenweg will choose to wear his black Terminal T while he’s presenting, but we’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, head on over and check it out.

FYI, Social South also unveiled its site last week. The first edition of this social media conference will take place here in The Magic City on August 21 & 22. They’ve also announced an early bird registration fee.

Share your thoughts on the mock draft constitution – before midnight!

Tonight at midnight is the deadline to offer your comments and opinions about the mock draft constitution created as part of the Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform (ACCR) Foundation‘s Mock Constitutional Convention.

The public comment period has been going on for some time now and the deadline is for your submission of comments considered in the document’s reworking. Doc’s Political Parlor is hosting the commenting period – click here to get started.

Doc also has some additional information about the goals of the exercise – and if you need incentive to check that link out, how about taking a look at the world’s largest constitution (that would be Alabama’s) digitally compared to the U.S. Constitution.

#bhamchat’s tonight!

Just wanted to remind you that our weekly online conversation about Birmingham, AL takes place tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. on Twitter. Just follow @bhamterminal to see where the conversation’s going. We’ve built a page explaining #bhamchat over on my Birmingham and will continue to make additions to it as needed.

Just so you know, so long at the #bhamchat tag is in your tweet, you do not have to reply to @bhamterminal to share your answers or thoughts about the topic. That should give you a little more space for your thoughts. One more thing, it is probably best to use a third party application like Tweetdeck, Seesmic Desktop or Nambu if you’re on the Mac to follow along in the conversation (or just use Twitter’s search function to watch from afar).

Hope to see you later on! BTW: We will post last week’s recap tomorrow with this week’s due to technical issues.

Random Shots: Progress at CiTYViLLE


Construction workers drag metal reinforcements to be used in the foundation of the CiTYViLLE BLOCK 121 mixed-use development on Birmingham’s Southside Tuesday morning. As we’ve previously reported, the development is slated to include 255 apartments and more than 21,000 square feet of retail space.

Photo: Bob Farley/f8Photo

Follow-up: Johnny Ray’s president joins the conversation

We’ve seen a great deal of traffic over the last few days with regard to our post about the future of Johnny Ray’s. We’re hoping that some of you have had a chance to read the comments. If not, you’ve missed out on something…

One person who we were happy to see respond to the comments was Alton Shields, the President and Managing Director of the Johnny Ray Cos, who was able to quiet rumors that the chain was closing.

We just wanted to take a moment and suggest that folks check out his comments and all of the other comments to all of the other posts on the site whenever and wherever they’re made.

Thanks those that do add their voices to this conversation.