Category Archives: politics

Boutwell’s the tipping point tonight

This morning’s Birmingham News points out the frequency that days of prayer are held in the city (as Mayor Langford prepares for one this evening officially announced earlier this week) well as the rumblings about legal action that may be taken if it’s found to be an official government event. The event has definitely drawn some criticism, even locally. We even have our own veiled opinion, though from a slightly different angle.

We’ve gotten a few responses to our current Magic City Question; as we get ready to change it later on today, we’d welcome anyone else that wants to lend their voices to the conversation.

It’s Commissioner Bell now… well, almost

William Bell is one state Supreme Court ruling away from being the certified as the winner of the February 5 special election to fill the Jefferson County Commission seat that was vacated after the election of Larry Langford as mayor of Birmingham last year. The Birmingham News reports that Circuit Court Judge Scott Vowell has ruled in Bell’s favor. The commissioner-elect has scheduled an 11 a.m. news conference in City Hall.

Bishop Woods calls for vote certification

William Bell and SCLC President Bishop Calvin Woods on the Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. side of the Jefferson County Courthouse today as Woods calls for the certification of the Feb. 5 special election for Jefferson County Commission District 1 seat. Andre Natta/The Terminal

This afternoon SCLC president Bishop Calvin Woods, elected officials and concerned citizens stood out in front of the Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd entrance to the Jefferson County Courthouse to ask that the election results from the February 5 special election for the Jefferson County Commission District 1 seat be certified. During his remarks, Bishop Woods suggested that the people who filed the motion to hold another election did not in fact live in District 1 but in District 4. There were other comments made, but you probably want to hear them for yourself (13:43):


Why Free the Hops?

Beer closeup - Bob Farley/f8photoThat’s a great question — that’s why we invited Free the Hops president Stuart Carter to be our guest blogger over on my Birmingham today to share the case for support of HB 196 and SB 116 & 355. The state house bill comes up for discussion tomorrow in Montgomery and could greatly affect not just Birmingham but the entire state.

Head on over, check out the post, share your comments and pass it on to others that you think may be interested!

Fallout from last night’s 60 Minutes

Don SiegelmanThe Alabama Republican Party wasted no time in sharing their response to last night’s report on CBS’ 60 Minutes about allegations that former governor Don Siegelman’s prosecution was politically motivated (even though we weren’t necessarily that fast in posting these links ourselves – we’re still upgrading the site). Check out Wade on Birmingham’s recent post on this to catch up on the background. And it looks like it’s far from over.

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Huckabee speaks at Samford University

Mike Huckabee at Samford University on January 27. Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

There were about 300 people in the Jan Hollock Recital Hall and more than 700 in the Leslie S. Wright Center Concert Hall next door.
Huckabee spoke to the smaller crowd while the larger, in the over flow section, listening. Then after the first speech, he went over to the Write Hall, spoke and then shook hands afterwards.

Click on the image above to view more from the event.

Huckabee’s visiting Birmingham too

Mike HuckabeeNot to be outdone by Senator Obama’s announcement about Sunday’s town hall meeting, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee will be visiting Birmingham on Saturday. He’ll be at Brock Hall on Samford University‘s campus; he’s scheduled to speak at 4:30 p.m.

It will be the 2008 Republican presidential candidate’s first visit to the Magic City during his campaign for president.

UPDATE: Click here to view images from the event.