Category Archives: Online

NBC 13’s on Twitter

The Birmingham Twitterati is all abuzz with word that NBC 13 has joined the world of Twitter.

NBC 13 on Twitter

Screenshot of NBC13’s Twitter profile.

It looks like it’s part of a larger plan to have all NBC affiliates on the service.

They are not the first service online – that honor goes to The Birmingham News, who we believe has been using the service since last November.

Don’t forget you can follow us too – @bhamterminal.

Keeping track of the pulse in town

Birmingham Pulse screenshot

Screenshot of Birmingham Pulse

We wanted to take a moment to welcome all of our new followers on Twitter (BTW – want to follow us? It’s bhamterminal). We also wanted to make sure that you knew about a new site that allows all of us in Birmingham to keep track of each other using the popular service.

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Just dial up to find lighter traffic, cheaper gas

Some local Verizon Wireless customers have already noticed that they’ve got a couple of new features on their phone. The company announced recently that it would roll out its new Verizon Wireless VZ Navigator service in 75 cities, including Birmingham. It now provides another service for area residents to go along with Commuter Feed, which we wrote about back in February.

Drivers with access to the service will be able to view how traffic is flowing, and receive details about reported accidents, disabled vehicles and congestion along with suggestions for detours. The Gas Finder feature allows drivers to locate gas stations nearby and view gas prices at many area gas stations, providing turn-by-turn directions as needed… Now if the car could only drive itself it’d be perfect!

Soothing banks through music screenshotOne resident thinks that music and bumper stickers will help ease the Jefferson County sewer debt, though in a completely different way than Birmingham city councilor William Bell’s proposal or one suggested by Jefferson County Commission president Bettye Fine Collins. This proposal calls for visitors to to purchase bumper stickers, t-shirts and similar items, with a portion of the proceeds going to cover the principal of the county’s mounting debt. You can also check out the Jefferson County Sewer Flush over on YouTube.

We still have a feeling that it would take a long time for the money to pile up.

Birmingham View introduces “news portal”

BV News Portal

Screenshot of Birmingham View’s News Portal. 

Birmingham View editor in chief (and frequent Terminal contributor) Vickii Howell announced the creation of a virtual news portal in her monthly e-newsletter yesterday. This new addition to the publication’s website will allow for her to post stories as they happen that would otherwise not be able to appear on her television show or in the print edition. It also provide links to other sites that provide daily content, including a certain hub.

Head on over and check it out.