Tag Archives: profile

CBS 42 decides to join the Twitterverse

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile page.

CBS 42 has become the latest media outlet to add Twitter to their arsenal of news dissemination. They follow ABC 33/40, NBC 13 and The Birmingham News into the Twitterverse, leaving one major media outlet out of the tweeting – Fox 6. No word yet on when they’ll finally join the rest of us on this one…

Don’t forget we’re on Twitter too @bhamterminal. Still haven’t heard from the alt weeklies on Twitter yet either, have we?

NBC 13’s on Twitter

The Birmingham Twitterati is all abuzz with word that NBC 13 has joined the world of Twitter.

NBC 13 on Twitter

Screenshot of NBC13’s Twitter profile.

It looks like it’s part of a larger plan to have all NBC affiliates on the service.

They are not the first service online – that honor goes to The Birmingham News, who we believe has been using the service since last November.

Don’t forget you can follow us too – @bhamterminal.