Tag Archives: Online

The other guys cover the Mims situation

First of all, here’s a link to the report that everyone’s been talking about surrounding the city of Birmingham’s school system.

Now let’s take a look at how the local media’s been covering this story since it broke yesterday…

Throughout most of last night’s coverage, outlets stressed Mims’ acceptance of responsibility for the existence of two reports. Perhaps the best example of this is in NBC 13’s coverage. They were also able to provide the opinion of the state superintendent, who was in town for the proceedings.

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Are you enough in the know about our local scene?

We freely admit that we’ve been slow to complete the transformation of our own arts and culture section into what we hoped it would be in the beginning (though we’re thinking that you might like the direction it’s appearing it will be going in).

A bulletin and blog post on MySpace yesterday though that made us begin to wonder about the local area’s web presence.

Which of course, leads to today’s Magic City Question.

We really want to know what you’re thinking on this one ( I think all of us websites are). Hopefully you’ll be able to give us an answer or two.

Or maybe even a suggestion or two about how to fix it.