Tag Archives: Online

The new search engine on the block

There are a few folks this morning that are enjoying the newest search engine out there, Cuil. Taking its name from an old Irish word meaning knowledge, one reason for the buzz is because it was built by former Google employees.

Compare the results from Google and Cuil for Birmingham, AL. Then let us know what you think.

One stop shop for links on Birmingham launches

Screenshot of Bhamlinks.com

Screenshot of Bhamlinks.com

Well, we’ve been working on a one-stop shop for folks to check out what’s happening around our local web scene in a glance – a meta aggregator in the style of Alltop or PopUrls, but for Birmingham. Well, we’re still working on ours but the folks that brought you Birmingham Pulse have already launched theirs. It’s called Bhamlinks.com and currently contains feeds from our local media outlets, some of the city’s more popular blogs and us. They’re looking for feedback but since we don’t know if they want us to share the contact information, we’re going to ask you to comment here and let them know.

UPDATE: The Birmingham News… it’s gone blog!

Screenshot of Birmingham News test page

Screenshot of potential “new” Birmingham News homepage.

Well, apparently not yet… though we were able to catch this screenshot of a revamped Birmingham News homepage about mid-morning – though it’s currently gone back to its original state. The redesign resembled the layout that is currently in use on al.com’s entertainment section.

We’re not sure if we just stumbled across something by accident or not, but we’re sure that our friends at al.com will let us know…

UPDATE: 1:12 p.m. – According to the folks at the paper, the page has been fixed, and it is now active as it is picture above. It was suffering problems due to the severe weather affecting the region right now.

Terminal Ts are available on the site

Some of you may have stumbled across our clothing options on Zazzle.com (and we don’t plan on taking that down yet) but we realized that we wanted to offer our shirt for a little less. So if you haven’t been on the site we know you haven’t seen this new ad in the far right column yet:

Terminal T ad

We are currently offering Black Terminal Ts through the site on our new The Store page with prices starting at $14.

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al.com is live – on Twitter!

aldotcom Twitter profile screenshot

Screenshot of al.com’s Twitter page.

So just before I was about to say that it was a shame that al.com hadn’t gotten it’s own Twitter profile yet – poof! – it magically appears.

Most of the mainstream media in the city recently joined the Twitterverse (even if they aren’t all joining in the conversation that it’s supposed to be spawning). Luckily though, unlike the tweets sent out by The Birmingham News, the links from the al.com feed actually take you directly to the stories directly.

Still waiting for that first Fox 6 tweet though…

CBS 42 decides to join the Twitterverse

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile

Screenshot of CBS 42 Twitter profile page.

CBS 42 has become the latest media outlet to add Twitter to their arsenal of news dissemination. They follow ABC 33/40, NBC 13 and The Birmingham News into the Twitterverse, leaving one major media outlet out of the tweeting – Fox 6. No word yet on when they’ll finally join the rest of us on this one…

Don’t forget we’re on Twitter too @bhamterminal. Still haven’t heard from the alt weeklies on Twitter yet either, have we?

Keeping track of the pulse in town

Birmingham Pulse screenshot

Screenshot of Birmingham Pulse

We wanted to take a moment to welcome all of our new followers on Twitter (BTW – want to follow us? It’s bhamterminal). We also wanted to make sure that you knew about a new site that allows all of us in Birmingham to keep track of each other using the popular service.

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