Tag Archives: Larry Langford

Coverage of the mayor’s prescription plan

ABC 33/40 recently posted new details about Mayor Langford’s proposed drug prescription plan, providing slightly more elaborate details than those first available when he announced it last week. The amount of money he’s requested each councilor contribute to the program has not changed from the $150,000 reported by Fox 6 on October 7. According to numbers in the newer piece, more than 53,000 people would be eligible for the program. It’s one that Birmingham city councilors think is a great idea, while still worried that the city is not in the right financial position to move forward with it. BTW, both stations have video associated with their stories.

Larry proposes citywide paving plan

Well, we figured it would become a bigger story – and it did (with a bigger dollar amount attached). The Birmingham News reported on Birmingham mayor Larry Langford’s proposed $16 million/year plan in today’s edition after Langford announced his intentions to ask the City Council to approve $27 million to pave streets in the city center during his appearance at the Burger-Phillips Building‘s unveiling late last week. The plan according to the story is to pave 500 miles over the next three years, leading some to ask that question more of the same questions…

Langford’s proposing paving streets downtown

Photo: Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford sitting between City Councilors William Bell and Valerie Abbott during this morning’s press conference at the Burger-Phillips building downtown. Bob Farley/f8Photo.

We figured that since some of you are going to watch the mayor’s remarks online this afternoon about the civic center expansion (read: 1 p.m.) that you may want to know about some of the remarks Larry Langford made this morning during the unveiling of the recently remodeled Burger-Phillips Building in Birmingham’s city center (photos are coming). The issue – street paving. Continue reading

Council gets tougher on finances

Birmingham City Council President Carole Smitherman has probably already made her proposal to the council’s budget, finance and administration committee today. The News reports that the proposal would include requiring Mayor Langford to present monthly reports to the council in addition to making the city’s 3-month reserve fund a requirement (which would make it difficult to touch for regular expenses). This comes after an interesting few days, including a Saturday meeting that turned heated and an interesting discussion of no-bid contracts.

Of course, you could just listen to (and watch) Smitherman explain it herself.

Contracts is the word of the week

Larry Langford with childrenIf you haven’t been digging deep recently in a couple of our local print publications, you may have just missed something that’s quite interesting surrounding no-contract bids and Birmingham mayor Larry Langford.

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Larry’s latest suggestion is unveiled; thoughts?

We’re going to ask you about your thoughts on Larry’s latest plan for today’s Magic City Question

No, we’re not talking about the planned renovations to City Hall for compliance with ADA access, or the suggestion that we purchase the sewer system if the county declares bankruptcy (oh, wait, that was Councilor Hoyt‘s idea); or for your feedback about yesterday’s day off for all city employees (that many in the city were not aware of) because some came in to work during successful efforts to accomodate evacuees  from Hurricane Gustav on Labor Day (though we’d planned to ask that question).

Nope, today’s question has to do with plans for new plazas with fountains throughout the city. We figured you’d want to share your thoughts with us over there

If you didn’t think Larry was serious…

Readers of The New York Times in the Big Apple woke up on this last morning of the Summer Olympics in Beijing to this overview of Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford’s wanting to bid for the 2020 Olympics (NOTE: registration required to view the full article). Granted, it was on page A17 of the New York edition, but it IS the Sunday New York Times, so folks are going to see it while they’re drinking their coffee and getting ready for the first round of the U.S. Open.

It’s all there, the pros, the cons and a comment or two towards the end that resembles the crux of what I wrote about it back when it was first announced in June.

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8Photo