Tag Archives: information

Avoiding foreclosure workshops scheduled

As the stock market continues to take us on a roller coaster ride, many in Birmingham, particularly on our city’s east side, are having a big issue with foreclosures. The Citizens Advisory Board and some Birmingham neighborhood presidents were impressed with a recent presentation on foreclosure by the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce. So impressed in fact that these groups felt it was important to get the word out to other neighborhoods in cooperation with Neighborhood Housing Services. City residents will have several opportunities to attend these workshops in the coming weeks.

Check out dates and locations after the jump:

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Gas prices update

With approximately 25% of the country’s oil refineries located along or near the path of Hurricane Ike, these rising prices may be around for a few days. We’re seeing several reports following the early ones we mentioned earlier today

We’ve just heard via Twitter that gas in Bluff Park is at $4.49/gallon. If you could put gas prices that you see during your evening commute in our comments section, we’d appreciate it (as well as everybody else who visits The Hub).

UPDATE: Gas prices rising

UPDATE: 5 p.m. – Share gas prices on with The Hub – right here

We’d post links, but we’re all aware of the rising gas prices across the country in general and here in Birmingham in particular. We started hearing the rumors yesterday on both Facebook and Twitter and the long lines reported by folks (including James Spann via Twitter) says that as one person put it “the Chicken Littles are having their day today.”

Which leads us to today’s Magic City Question, appropriately posted after all of you have gotten back from lunch… We’ll look forward to your answers (over there that is).

Come out and get a Taste tonight

Taste of the Nation logoWe are still under a flash flood watch this evening in parts of the metro area, but we’re hoping that folks still take a moment and attend tonight’s Taste of the Nation event at the McWane Science Center. We’d like to thank those of you that entered the contest and those of you that visited the event’s website to learn more about this important cause. I’ll be there this evening and I hope that I’ll get a chance to meet some of you.

You may also want to venture over to Timetable just in case you aren’t able to attend tonight. Whitney’s gives readers a head’s up on a great show at The Bottletree while Andrea Walker reminds us that we can check out some of the art before ArtWalk invades downtown in early September.

WordCamp Birmingham – come on over

Late Friday evening, we announced that we would be serving as an organizing sponsor for WordCamp Birmingham, the first WordCamp that will be held in the Southeastern United States. The conference will take place on September 27 & 28. A quick primer – WordCamps are informal gatherings of WordPress enthusiasts, users and developers to talk the popular, open source software used to run several million blogs and websites (including this one).

I’ve got some interesting reasons for why we’re doing this and if you head over to My Birmingham today, you’ll get to read them all.

Bhamwiki’s now on Twitter

A lot of folks love the nuggets made available on our site weekeday mornings courtesy of BhamWiki. Now they’ve made it so you can get information from them even more often.

They’ve recently created their own BhamWiki Twitter profile, we think in part to expose people to everything that’s on it. We also think it’s a great way to maybe get some more folks interested in getting involved with the project. We’re definitely planning to use the wiki more often as our site begins to morph yet again.