Tag Archives: Alabama

UPDATE: The Birmingham News… it’s gone blog!

Screenshot of Birmingham News test page

Screenshot of potential “new” Birmingham News homepage.

Well, apparently not yet… though we were able to catch this screenshot of a revamped Birmingham News homepage about mid-morning – though it’s currently gone back to its original state. The redesign resembled the layout that is currently in use on al.com’s entertainment section.

We’re not sure if we just stumbled across something by accident or not, but we’re sure that our friends at al.com will let us know…

UPDATE: 1:12 p.m. – According to the folks at the paper, the page has been fixed, and it is now active as it is picture above. It was suffering problems due to the severe weather affecting the region right now.

Time to get ready for the weekend…

Can it be? The weekend already? Where does the time go? That’s a very interesting question and it seems to have many answers. Google the phrase and you get 353,000,000 search results. While you pass the time pondering that, I’ve got suggestions on how you can spend your weekend over on Timetable.

A look back: May 8


Birmingham‘s first telephone exchange opened in the 3rd floor of Hughes Drug Store with 39 subscribers.


Fred Shuttlesworth bruised a rib after being driven into the wall of the 16th Street Baptist Church by a blast from a fire hose during the Children’s Crusade.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

“Bridging Peace” concert, Virginia Samford Theatre

The Birmingham International Center offers the “Bridging Peace: The Sounds of Jordan and Israel in Perfect Harmony” concert this Saturday. The Intercultural Journeys Ensemble will perform music from Jordan and Israel in addition to newly composed pieces which blend Middle Eastern sounds with Western tradition.

The concert is offered as part of the Birmingham International Center’s 2007-2008 spotlight on the state of Israel and the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. The price of admission includes dinner and drinks, admission to the concert and after-concert dessert.

Call 252-7652 for more information.

Cost: Tickets are $100 per person

Virginia Samford Theatre
1116 26th St. South (directions)

Random Shots: An update on the birds

Fledgling - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo 

The cardinal chicks fledged Wednesday afternoon. One minute they were perched on the nest the next they were in the trees and bushes. The young birds, if the survive the next few days, will be flying but still relying on their parents for food. Cardinals usually raise two sets of the chicks each year.

On the agenda: Money, development, money (and anger)

So the big news for this morning’s City Council meeting is not necessarily one that is on the agenda, but an item that will be brought up during Mayor Langford’s comments, at least according to this morning’s Birmingham News. They reported that the mayor, upset with City Councilor Valerie Abbott over the situation represented in this video (use of a city car), will be pulling his compromise plan for the former Knights of Columbus property in Glen Iris, frustrating a community that one could say was already quite frustrated. This will allow Formation Methods the opportunity to develop apartments on the property. Check out the links and see what you think.

Now on to the agenda

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A look back: May 6


The Japanese Garden at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens opened to the public as part of the Birmingham Festival of Arts Salute to Japan.


Birmingham and Plze?, Czech Republic signed a Sister City agreement in Plze?’s Obradni sin (City Hall).

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo