Tag Archives: Alabama

Random Shots: Pollen Pool


According to the Alabama Allergy & Asthma Center yesterday’ spollen count is in the high range with the level hitting 10 on a 12 point scale.

The center offers daily allergy alerts and pollen counts on its website. The information is also available via The Weather Channel’s online home.

Photo: Pollen swirls in the top of a full cistern Tuesday morning in Roebuck Springs. Bob Farley/f8Photo

Arrington’s back

That’s the simple version of what’s been reported by two outlets in recent days. The recent edition of The Birmingham Times reported on its front page that the former mayor Richard Arrington, Jr. had changed his official residential address back to The Magic City’s Vinesville neighborhood and was thinking about creating a new political coalition based on the Jefferson County Citizens Coalition he founded more than 20 years ago.

Today’s front page story in The Birmingham News digs a little deeper into the situation, getting an interesting response from the former mayor in terms of whether or not he’d consider running for office again in 2011 as well as the current office holder‘s opinions about Arrington’s recent actions.

Parking deck construction = road closings

Construction work on the addition to the 4th Avenue parking deck in downtown Birmingham today means that Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. between 4th and 5th Avenues North is currently closed to traffic.

While it is a quiet day of the week downtown, it could lead to delays for folks that use the road to access area churches as well as the last day of events at this weekend’s ImagiCon.

UPDATE: City Stages 2009 | Acts announced, website unveiled

This morning we’ve started seeing the first acts for City Stages 2009 be announced and dissected (courtesy of The Birmingham News and Wade on Birmingham respectively). So, what else can we add?

cs2009screenWell, for starters the festival ‘s new website is scheduled for launched today – this morning actually. Whether that happens or not, it’s our understanding that It has been built using WordPress, the same CMS program used to operate The Terminal. The site will feature the festival’s new logo and allow you to share your favorite City Stages memory. We also know that we’re planning our own special City Stages section again this year, though it is still not ready for its own unveiling as of yet.

So for the time being, we want to know what you think – as Birmingham’s world class music festival is the basis of today’s Magic City Question.

Image: Screenshot of new City Stages website.

Don’t forget to turn out the lights

Vote earth adGranted, if you’re reading this tonight (Saturday) between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m., this becomes pointless, but hopefully we’ll catch you beforehand. This evening marks the second year for the recognition of Earth Hour internationally. The World Wildlife Fund hopes that more than 1 billion people will participate in voluntarily to raise awareness about the issue of climate change. It’s already happened in Malaysia as it’s based on local time. Here in Alabama, the city of Huntsville will be participating; you can find other cities participating listed here. For those of you trying to think of things to do during Earth Hour, here are seven suggestions courtesy of care2.com

Have any more? Click here and share them.

Get ready to welcome The Hub

Good morning Birmingham (and elsewhere)! First of all, thanks to those of you that came out last night – it was a lot of fun, and I think that you enjoyed yourselves as well.

The big news story from last night’s event – we’re doing a beta launch of a social network for Birmingham!

The goal is for The Hub to launch on Monday morning, at least, that’s what our web team is thinking right now. The general idea of launching a social network is not to reinvent the wheel. The idea is to provide a place to have the conversation take place for Birmingham online.

For the techies in the area, we’ll be using BuddyPress to build the network and we’re hoping to be able to use Facebook Connect so that you don’t have to create yet another account log in. It will be a beta, so I’ll apologize in advance for site outages and issues, but I think that it will help us 

If you’re interested in being a beta tester for the network, feel free to email us at info@bhamterminal.com.

There will be a little more about this later on today. Enjoy the ride!

Come out to The Bottletree tonight!

bldglogoNo, I have not been screaming from the top of the City Federal building asking you to come out to The Bottletree tonight for our fairly mellow celebration of this site’s two years of existence (though that does give me an idea for next year).

Hopefully the weather won’t be too bad this evening and the basketball games on the screens should keep your attention if the announcement I’ll be making doesn’t…

See, now don’t you just want to come because of that last sentence alone? The radio silence can be blamed partially on tonight’s announcement as well, but not entirely. The fun’s starting around 5 p.m., there will be some white Terminal Ts given away to some of the lucky attendees (we’ll have a few for sale as well).

If you can come out, great; if not, pass this evite link along to a friend.