Tag Archives: Alabama

Now you can find out if Cleveland really rocks…

Continental Airlines recently announced that they were starting nonstop service to Cleveland, OH from Birmingham, AL. Well, today’s the official ceremony recognizing the beginning of the service – even though service actually started yesterday. The flights will be operated by ExpressJet flying under the Continental Express flag.

There will be two chances to leave The Magic City daily to check out the Rock & Roll Music Hall of Fame, the Indians and (most importantly for basketball fans) LeBron James and whoever the other team is that’s playing the Cavaliers

… and we get a chance to win over some more converts.

A look back: April 7


Actor R. G. Armstrong was born in Pleasant Grove.


Birmingham City Council member Joel Montgomery was injured and arrested for public intoxication, a charge that was later dismissed.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

Langford’s Fair Park plan awaits Council approval Tuesday

Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford this morning laid out his plans to City Council members to completely revitalize Fair Park, a $125 – $150 million project that would be funded using portions of the recent sales and business tax increases, and could be completed in three years.All Langford needs now is the Council’s approval of the plan. It will be on the their agenda Tuesday.

“If ever there was a place that needs a shot in the arm, it’s Five Points West,” he said.

Langford said the project could be built debt-free using millions that the taxes are generating, plus unused money in the city’s budgets from stalled or inactive school and other capital projects. The city’s $55 million would jumpstart the economic development process.

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UPDATE: Opinions on the state of King’s Dream

UPDATE: 4:47 p.m. André’s editorial is now available. See the link at the end of the post.

As we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 40th observance of the date of his assassination, let’s take a moment and listen to the words of the fallen solider of the Civil Rights movement delivered the evening before he died (RealAudio file).

We’ve decided to share two editorials with you over on my Birmingham as the nation remembers the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. which occurred some 40 years ago today.

Our first piece comes from our editorial assistant, Leah Walcott, currently a senior at Miles College in Fairfield, AL.

Yours truly will post his own thoughts on the occasion and what it means around 4:45 p.m. this afternoonThis post is now available over on my Birmingham.

Facebook watch: Let’s get This American Lifed

We’ve been noticing the increasing number of groups being created in Facebook (and frankly a lot more traffic there too). We thought it would be a good idea to start taking a look at some of the local groups that are popping up on Facebook.

This first one is tied to a national phenomenon, or at least to one that will be. Chicago Public Radio’s This American Life is preparing to produce a stage show and broadcast it live, via satellite, to theaters across the country. There’s more information about the event available from the show’s website. So why not create a group on Facebook that encourages folks to take the survey and make sure that people know we want to have a local theater involved?

Well, the votes have been counted and it looks like we were able to get some since the Regal Cinemas 16 in Trussville will one of the more than 300 theaters nationwide participating on May 1 at 7 p.m. CDT. Tickets go on sale TODAY online.

Yes, there’s still stuff over on Timetable

A quiet week on the site in general but since we all know how much our readers love getting ready for the weekend…

Sam’s post says it’s been up since yesterday, but for some reason it wasn’t showing up. Well it’s there now. His picks luckily includes Saturday’s show at The Bottletree (which we happen to be sponsoring – though Sam didn’t know that yet Smile)

Christina’s “Got Plans?” post is scheduled for an 8:45 a.m. appearance over on our arts and culture blog. Check them both out and don’t forget to comment on them if there’s something we didn’t list. Of course, you could always submit the event for inclusion on our calendar too…

Don’t forget to come on out and check out Saturday’s show and check in with your favorite hub while you’re there.

A look back: April 4


Restauranteur Pearl Overby Carlile was born.


Casting director Shirley Crumley died of a heart attack at home in Birmingham.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo