Category Archives: update

From the Stationmaster: We’re seeking submissions for my Birmingham

my birmingham header

This is a call for submissions to my Birmingham, our editorial section. While we give the whole song and dance about why my Birmingham exists over here, I’d like to take a moment to explain the original concept behind this as it may help encourage you to write in.

I had tried to start this section last year on my personal blog, Dre’s Ramblings, as a way to find out what people enjoyed or disliked about Birmingham, hoping that it may lead to additional conversation. The concept is definitely not something new; the best example out there is the This I Believe series, the revived series that invites individuals to write about their core beliefs.

It’s great for people to hear my thoughts, but it’s your site and my Birmingham, more than anything else, represents that. Continue reading

Green signs looking out at me with a name change at Harbert Plaza

Covered AmSouth-Regions signThe AmSouth to Regions conversion was visually completed this morning with area banking centers switching from the familiar blue and white to the new Regions green. As we reported in May, the complete changeover should be complete by October.

The name change affects not only the banking centers, but also civic centers named for the now absorbed AmSouth. Harbert Realty Services announced today that Harbert Plaza would officially change its name to Regions Harbert Plaza to coincide with the merger. Continue reading

Preserving The Storyteller

Fleming restoration

Some may have been wondering why Frank Fleming’s The Storyteller has been surrounded by chain link fencing in recent days. Well, the 20+ bronze sculptures located in Five Points South are the subject of a conservation project undertaken by the Birmingham Museum of Art.

Shelley Paine of Nashville, TN and Jackie and Cameron Wilson (of Wilson Conservation, New York, NY) are cleaning and applying new patinas and hot and cold waxes to the sculptures to seal and protect the patina. Work on the sculpture is scheduled to be completed this Saturday, July 14

The conservators have special training in art history, object conservation and chemistry. So it looks like at least in this case the city had a reason to repaint the fountain portion of the sculpture, despite comments against

Help us test the site on the iPhone (if you can…)

With all the hype associated with the iPhone, from the long lines to the long list of potential problems, most of us are aware that it will have an impact on how our sites work. So on Monday we began testing the iwPhone plugin and theme for WordPress.

There’s one problem with this test; we don’t own an iPhone. We have been able to check the site on our trusty G3 iBook (yes, we realize it’s old) using the iPhoney application to see how the site looks, but since it’s not an iPhone simulator, it’s not letting us know if it will work. Since we use WordPress MU, we assumed there’d be glitches, but we can’t tell, short of going out to the Apple Store and asking to use a phone.

So, if you happen to own an iPhone, do us a favor and check the main site out using it. Then come back here and let us know how we did. Of course, you could just let us know from there too. Any help would be appreciated. In the meantime, you can also check out Jeremy Flint’s post if you’re interested in how this thing works.

Elsewhere on The Terminal…

As we attempt to get back on track today, please feel free to visit Timetable to learn about the latest honor bestowed on the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.

You may also want to head over to my Birmingham to read a reprinted editorial from André about the proposed BJCC expansion and entertainment district (or maybe its about something a little bigger…). Don’t forget to let us know what you think!

Monday’s Timetable: Tickets and Mayfield (the band)

Today on Timetable, find out how you can win tickets to an advance screening of the latest Harry Potter film and find out what makes local band Moses Mayfield tick

Go on, we’ll wait for you.

From the Stationmaster: More Terminal upgrades

I hope you’re enjoying Birmingham’s hub for information so far. I figured it was time to let you know about a couple of recent changes at The Terminal to make getting info easier, including the latest on mobile access, email subscriptions and a one-stop shop for contact info: (Yes, you still have to click "read more" for the links to work, sorry) Continue reading