Category Archives: The Terminal

Timetable’s back (almost)

Our arts and culture blog hit a snag before it really got a chance to get going. For those that are just joining us, Timetable consists of two separate things; the calendar that you see to your right and a separate blog that exists to go more in depth on events whenever we can.

Thanks to some coffee and help from some friends realizing that most of our posts had been cached online, we’re almost back. We say almost because we lost several of our MySpace Directory entries. Continue reading

Timetable’s gone (for now)

Due to some technical difficulties, our arts and culture section, Timetable, crashed earlier this afternoon and has lost all of its content. We are in the process of rebuilding the site, however we will only be able to reproduce portions of the last five posts.

Thankfully, we had not gotten into full swing with this section as of yet, so we do not have to reproduce that many posts.

We hope to have it operational again tomorrow afternoon, hopefully taking advantage of the error to fix some of the problems we were having and maybe test out a couple of things were going to do over the weekend.

Thanks for understanding.


City Stages 2007: Two down, one to go

Dr. John 

Earth Wind & Fire and Dr. John were among those who thrilled those who attended the second day of City Stages 2007.

The unofficial guide is still available for use on this third and final day of the festival for those that want to use it. Continue reading

The Terminal’s mobile CS guide is up!

This is for the benefit of those that subscribe to the site’s RSS feed. While it is not finished, a significant portion of our unofficial guide to City Stages is now available for you to look at and critique.

The idea is simple – take advantage of the instant feedback feature of blogs while providing links to many of the scheduled performers’ official websites and MySpace profiles, allowing people to check out some of the bands in a little more depth.

It will also be accessible via mobile devices, meaning that you can comment on a band while standing in the crowd (though you may want to stand off to the side and do that). Continue reading

Writers interest meeting, Speakeasy

It’s time again to invite those interested in helping us create a Birmingham specific online home to come on out to Speakeasy 1920 on Thursday, June 14 starting at 5:45 p.m. (though we’ll be there from a little after 5 that afternoon). We’ll see how much you like our newest feature (being released on Monday morning, June 11) as well as get some ideas about what you want to see (and who do you know that can write it Smiley).

We’ll also take a look at just how often this meeting needs to take place. Let us know if you’ll be able to attend by shooting us an email at

If you’ve got an idea for the site and can’t make it to the meeting, let us know via

“My Birmingham” begins

Take a look at the far sidebar and you will see an RSS feed for My Birmingham.

My Birmingham serves as the editorial section of The Terminal. It is not completely finished as of yet; however, considering that tomorrow is an election day, we figured we’d start it up with a post about the amendments we’re voting on tomorrow.

If you want to take a turn at My Birmingham, check out our submissions page and then send an e-mail to André Natta @

Check out the Magic City MySpace Directory!

We’re in the process of opening up some new sections of The Terminal that were "under construction" this evening and tomorrow. The first of those sections is the Magic City MySpace Directory. Continue reading