Category Archives: Online

It’s official: we suck

At least, based on current area blog launches, we seem to suck at providing information about arts and culture and music. Two new sites have launched in the last week to fill the void that we’ve attempted to fill with Timetable since our inception – is a new music blog that will cover local as well as not so local info while will be covering the arts and culture scene. What about Timetable, or the new (but not yet fully functioning like we want it to) calendar, destinations (FYI – submit events here)?

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Do you Tweet?

Tweeting - courtesy of Macapper.comThis seems to be a popular question today as Twitter is becoming a more recognized part of everyday communication among people. We still maintain our primary Twitter account (if we haven’t invited you to join it from our other profiles, it’s coming soon). People seem to have all sorts of reasons for sending Twitter messages or tweets. Lisa Hoffman invited some of her followers to share their reasons on her blog while local blogger Ike Pigott updated his expectations.

What are your thoughts?


Networking Birmingham launches

Folks here in the city are quite connected, but they’re always looking for new ways to do so. NetworkingBirmingham has recently launched, including listings from ten area chambers of commerce, including Birmingham, Homewood, Hoover, Mountain Brook and Trussville, as well as a variety of other networking events becoming a resource that allows folks to track business networking events throughout metro Birmingham.

Users of the site can create a customizable calendar of all the events they wish to attend. It was created by Man in the Maze Marketing with the idea of helping business men and women throughout Birmingham become more effective networkers. They will work hand-in-hand with various Chambers in the metro region to ensure that the most current and accurate information is listed on the website. Users of the website can submit all types of networking events to be included on the calendar as well.

Find your way on MAX online

Screenshot of BJCTA’s new website

Before we return to silent mode, we figured it would make sense to stress to folks to check out the tranist authority’s new website. New features include a ticker-style rider alert, planned integration of Google Transit, and most importantly, an easier to read and understand map for the system’s users.

Check it out and let us know what you think below.

Urbanham launches redesign

Screenshot of is about to celebrate ten years of being Birmingham’s web portal for urban lifestyles. Sounds like it’s a perfect time to do a site redesign to us. For the web designers among our readership, the site is now powered using WordPress. Check it out…

Check to see if your flight’s on-time

Screenshot of new Birmingham International Airport homepage.

A pending name change and a planned expansion also means an updated website for Birmingham International Airport. The change in design comes with one new feature that will make those that use the airport regularly a little happier – real-time flight tracking on the homepage allowing people to see if they’ll be leaving on time and if they need to get there a little earlier to pick up folks as they arrive. And if it’s not already up there, you can always look it up with their new Flightview function.

Fleabomb’s going to be OK too

The difference is that it won’t be as frequent. So says the founder of Birmingham’s original alternative online website, Stanley Holditch, in a recent post on its current incarnation. We know it’s been up for a while, but we felt obligated to point it out to those of you that didn’t know. it’s a rough time here for media of all types as we say goodbye to WBHM’s Steve Chiotakis tomorrow morning, farewell to’s Grant Cannon as he heads off to Chicago today, and this. We’re didn’t think of Stanley’s post as a farewell, especially with the pictures of his newborn, but we think the least y’all should do is stop on over and tell him how much you appreciate what he’s done for Birmingham.