Category Archives: Events

Tonight’s the Holiday Get Together

I’ve been working on some stuff behind the scenes and away from Birmingham’s hub today, leading to a lapse in posting – and keeping us from reminding folks earlier – but we’re hoping that some of you may be interested in showing up at Speakeasy this evening (1920 3rd Avenue North) for our 2nd annual Holiday Get Together. It just also happens to be Repeal Day (you know you’re interested).

We’ll have a few t-shirts for folks and if you feel like it, you can show up with a non-perishable food or monetary donation for The Community Kitchens of Birmingham (please have checks written out to the organization). We’re not charging a cover or really knowing what to expect; we only wanted a chance to see folks before the end of the year so we hope you’re planning to at least pop in for a second.

If you cannot attend this evening, please consider visiting their website or forwarding their URL to a friend and clicking on the Donate now button.

As always, enjoy the ride and the holidays!

Honoring our servicemen today

A reminder that Birmingham hosts the nation’s largest and oldest Veteran’s Day Parade this afternoon (Tuesday) in the city center. It will begin at 1:30 p.m.

We don’t have a pretty graphic showing you the route, but John Morse has created a parade route map for you with Google Maps and the official parade (and celebration) website has turn for turn directions for you to check out. Thanks to all of our armed forces, past and present, for all that they do.

A Race to remember

Gordon Bell/

We really don’t have any idea how many people took part in or attended this year’s Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in downtown Birmingham. We do know that all that benefit from the funds raised are grateful for their efforts. Click on the image above to view pictures from this morning’s event courtesy of our own Gordon Bell.

Welcome WordCampers!

We’ve been slightly quieter than normal this week because of preparing to host WordPress users from across the Southeastern United States at WordCamp Birmingham. the conference begins at the Martha Moore Sykes Studio at the Virginia Samford Theatre at Caldwell Park. They’ll be at Vulcan Park and The Bottletree on Sunday. Registration will remain open until 9 a.m. tomorrow (Saturday) morning, when the fun starts. We’d like to take a moment to direct you to this list of sponsors and supporters of this inaugural conference. And we’d like to invite you to check out the schedule as well.

What, you say you want to welcome them to town yourselves though you’re not planning to come to the conference? How about coming out to Jim ‘N Nick’s in Five Points tonight starting at 6 p.m. for an impromptu meetup/Tweetup for Terminal fans and WordCampers. Look for logo.

Will Kirby be in town tomorrow?

We’re full of questions today over here…

kirbysqsqThere’s a press release that went out yesterday that’s got some folks thinking that the popular video game character may be making an appearance in Birmingham, AL tomorrow. The info that we do know? A Nintendo “authority” will be in attendance at Kirby Middle School for interviews and it’ll be optimal to see the spectale between 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. That and it’s a cute press release. Our money’s on the little guy being in the Magic City himself plugging his new game (due out on September 22), but we’ll see…

Where is WordCamp Birmingham?

WordCamp Birmingham logo - sunburstSo, it’s time for an update on WordCamp Birmingham. First of all, they’ve announced a new host venue for the conference’s Saturday events – the Martha Moore Sykes Studio at the Virginia Samford Theatre. They’ve also announced the initial lineup for speakers and the preliminary schedule (there will be more adjustments in the coming days).

Folks are starting to register for the event as well (it’ll close when it hits 125 people or 9/22/2008 – whichever comes first) and they’re still looking for additional sponsors for the event as well. We’ll have more to announce next week.

Come out and get a Taste tonight

Taste of the Nation logoWe are still under a flash flood watch this evening in parts of the metro area, but we’re hoping that folks still take a moment and attend tonight’s Taste of the Nation event at the McWane Science Center. We’d like to thank those of you that entered the contest and those of you that visited the event’s website to learn more about this important cause. I’ll be there this evening and I hope that I’ll get a chance to meet some of you.

You may also want to venture over to Timetable just in case you aren’t able to attend tonight. Whitney’s gives readers a head’s up on a great show at The Bottletree while Andrea Walker reminds us that we can check out some of the art before ArtWalk invades downtown in early September.