Category Archives: Election ’08

Huckabee’s visiting Birmingham too

Mike HuckabeeNot to be outdone by Senator Obama’s announcement about Sunday’s town hall meeting, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee will be visiting Birmingham on Saturday. He’ll be at Brock Hall on Samford University‘s campus; he’s scheduled to speak at 4:30 p.m.

It will be the 2008 Republican presidential candidate’s first visit to the Magic City during his campaign for president.

UPDATE: Click here to view images from the event.

Obama in B’ham Sunday

Barack Obama in BirminghamNot only is Sen. Barack Obama running television ads in Alabama starting today, The Birmingham News reports that the presidential hopeful will be in town 2 p.m. Sunday.

The Stand For Change Town Hall meeting at UAB’s Bartow Arena is free and open to the public but you’ll need a ticket to get in. Tickets will be available starting 9 a.m. Friday morning at Obama campaign offices. The Birmingham office is located downtown at 1813 4th Ave. North. Offices are also located in Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Huntsville, Mobile, Selma and Tuskegee.

Or get your ticket online.

Doors on Sunday will open at noon. Campaign requests no bags, signs or banners. “I heart Huckabee” tattoos probably not welcomed either.

UPDATE: Click here to view images from the event.

Play 20 Questions to find your candidate

Fox News Candidate Matchmaker screenshotI’ve been on the fence when it comes to the 2008 presidential election. So far my only real opinion has been that the campaigning starts way too early. And I’m not alone. Recent polls by the Mobile Press-Register/University of South Alabama find 33 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of Republicans undecided.

So I was curious when Fox 6 tells me they have a handy-dandy “matchmaker” that will match me with my perfect candidate. With the Feb. 5 primary looming, decisions do need to be made. Though I still don’t think the Alabama results mean anything to the candidates. If it did, we’d see some commercials by now.

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Don’t forget to register so you can vote February 5

The deadline for folks that are not currently registered to vote in the February 5 election is next Friday, January 25!

You may also want to keep in mind the fact that if you’re not going to be in town on 2.5.2008, you’ll want to have signed up for an absentee ballot by January 31.

There are a few options out there if you still need to register…

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Bell enters commission race

William Bell headshotWhether or not the results are challenged in court (as has been indicated by the governor’s office), there will be a notable race for the Jefferson County Commission seat vacated by Larry Langford in order for him to serve as mayor of Birmingham.

Birmingham City Councilor William Bell announced his intentions to seek the seat currently occupied by George Bowman. He’s the sixth person to declare their intention to run in the February 5 special election.

If Bell were to win, there would be an appointment to the City Council until an election was held to name his successor. Want to know more? Check out Kyle’s post on Mixed Media.

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

Election ’08: Obama’s Birmingham office opens Wednesday

There’s already a buzz about it around town – Barack Obama‘s Birmingham field office will be opening on Wednesday with an event at 6:30 p.m. The state’s become a battleground state in the ’08 race and the candidates are starting to ramp up their efforts prior to the primary in February. Obama’s folks are inviting folks to come out and celebrate while listening in/participating on a conference call with his wife Michelle.

The headquarters is located at 1813 4th Ave North on the 2nd floor. It’s being hosted by the campaign’s statewide field director (Sava Berhane) Congressman Artur Davis, Representative Merika Coleman and Senator Quentin Ross. Based on the buzz and email/social networking traffic being seen, it’s probably going to be a big one.

Tune in for Obama MySpace dialogue this afternoon

With most of the hype surrounding our local elections finally starting to die down (despite some feeling that its got to keep on going), it’s time to finally begin shifting some attention to our nation’s presidential race.

Barack Obama

Tune in this afternoon at 12:30 p.m. local time (yeah, still no clock changing yet) over on MySpace’s Election 2008 profile to catch a live webcast of a dialogue with presidential candidate Barack Obama as he speaks at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Don’t think of it as goofing off, think of it as getting better prepared to make a decision about our nation’s next leader. The profile also lets those with MySpace profiles know how they can submit questions and take part in the dialogue.

Of course you can always come back here and let us know what you thought about it as well. Just saying…

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo