Category Archives: Citywide

The Week in Review starts tomorrow

The staff is about to volunteer their time down at Artwalk this evening, both for the festival as well as serving as a street team both tonight and tomorrow. There will be a recap of the days events beginning at 10 p.m. (yeah, we know it sounds like the big boys on TV). We’ll also be posting stories that didn’t make it on the site this week tomorrow, even though we know that most of you will be watching football (we’ll feel better catching up).

Just a reminder that if you happen to see a couple of folks coming towards you with a “It’s Nice to Have You in Birmingham” shirt on, it’s probably a member of the street team and your chance to win one of those very same t-shirts before we start selling them on the site next week. Keep your eyes open.

Election ’07: One last push for questions for the candidates

Election 2007 Logo
We’ve had a rather boring button located over on the far right corner of the page for the better part of a month trying to get folks to submit questions for the mayoral candidates using this form. So we figured we’d debut our really cool Election ’07 logo. Smile

(NOTE: When our site launches later this evening, this button will go live, as will the button we have for the sidebar.)

UPDATE: Hear their answers to your questions NOW on our Election ’07 site!

We also wanted to say thanks to all who’ve taken the time to submit their questions.

Now we’ve also mentioned our partnership with Catalyst in sharing our questions for the candidates forum scheduled for September 18. Well, we’re making one more plea for questions before we retire the page (and so that they’ll have some more questions for their forum). (You really want to read what’s after the jump)

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What can be done about the Urban Divide?

Birmingham Urban Divide LogoWBHM poses a version of this question to listeners this evening and hopes that many will take part in a question and answer session beginning at 6:30 p.m. Last week our local Alabama Public Radio station put together an excellent series taking a closer look at the region’s Urban Divide, just in time for consideration during our fall elections. If you have not had the opportunity to check out this series yet, take a look at the links that follow the read more link and then tune in this evening (or listen online) while a great panel sits to discuss where we are and what’s next.

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Magic City Question: What are you doing tomorrow?

It’s Labor Day weekend; the unofficial end of summer. If you’re actually reading this, answer one question for us: What are you going to be doing tomorrow?

Election ’07: We haven’t forgotten about your questions…

As we mentioned earlier this morning, we figured that you’d want to know what we were going to do with all of your questions that were submitted. NOTE: Thanks for submitting them to us by the way.

UPDATE: Hear their answers to your questions NOW on our Election ’07 site!

All of the candidates have been invited by mail, email or via hand delivered letters to participate in our online forum series as part of our Election 2007 coverage. The candidates have been asked to allow us to record their answers to those questions you submitted to our site. The answers will be posted during the week of September 10 – 14 allowing you to hear in their own words. The candidates will not know the answers that the others have given, keeping them focused on the issues. We will post one answer a day, with the last day posting both the last question and a question that has been asked specifically of them.

At this time, we have received commitments from two candidates. If you have not confirmed, or if you have any questions, please contact our managing editor, André Natta, either by phone or email as listed on our contact page.

Election ’07: Their online presence

Earlier this week, Patrick Cooper commented on our coverage of William Bell and Carole Smitherman having MySpace pages. He mentioned his own website, which was the first site up on the web among the candidates. He also pointed out his existence on Facebook for the last month.

Cooper For Mayor - FacebookMr. Cooper does in fact have a Facebook group, named for the mayoral campaign and administered by the campaign’s volunteer coordinator. It currently has 73 members. Here is a link to the group. NOTE: You must have a Facebook profile in order to view the group page.

We have provided links to existing web pages/sites for the candidates after the jump:

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Election ’07: Smitherman’s got a MySpace profile too

Carole Smitherman’s Myspace ProfileWe’ve been informed since our post earlier this morning about Councilor Bell’s MySpace profile that City Council president Carole Smitherman has also created a MySpace profile for her campaign. Here’s a link to it. These are some of the things that we’d like to provide for you in our Election ’07 section which we will preview at tomorrow’s night’s launch party at The Bottletree; click here to learn more about it and here to view the door prizes.

And if you’re still inclined to, our questions for the candidates submission form is still available by clicking here. The form is still set up for the six candidates that we assumed would be in the race at that time. If your specific question is directed to Raymond Brooks, Barry Taylor or Willie Hendrix, please just make sure that you type their name into the appropriate text box before the beginning of your question.

We hope to meet with the candidates in the next week, posting their responses to your questions beginning September 10. We will keep you informed with that and other developments as we are able.

NOTE: Hear their answers to your questions on our Election ’07 site!